Leisa D. Sargent
Leisa D. Sargent
University of Sydney Business School
Верификована је имејл адреса на sydney.edu.au
Managing organizational change: Negotiating meaning and power-resistance relations
R Thomas, LD Sargent, C Hardy
Organization Science 22 (1), 22-41, 2011
40-second green roof views sustain attention: The role of micro-breaks in attention restoration
KE Lee, KJH Williams, LD Sargent, NSG Williams, KA Johnson
Journal of environmental psychology 42, 182-189, 2015
The moderating role of social support in Karasek's job strain model
LD Sargent, DJ Terry
Work & Stress 14 (3), 245-261, 2000
Boundary/Border Theory and Work-Family Integration1
S Desrochers, LD Sargent
Organization Management Journal 1 (1), 40-48, 2004
High performance work systems and employee experience of work in the service sector: The case of aged care
B Harley, BC Allen, LD Sargent
British Journal of Industrial Relations 45 (3), 607-633, 2007
The effects of work control and job demands on employee adjustment and work performance
LD Sargent, DJ Terry
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 71 (3), 219-236, 1998
Linking developmental experiences to leader effectiveness and promotability: The mediating role of leadership self‐efficacy and mentor network
SE Seibert, LD Sargent, ML Kraimer, K Kiazad
Personnel Psychology 70 (2), 357-397, 2017
Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings
LD Sargent, MD Lee, B Martin, J Zikic
Human relations 66 (1), 3-21, 2013
Does diversity affect group efficacy? The intervening role of cohesion and task interdependence
LD Sargent, C Sue-Chan
Small group research 32 (4), 426-450, 2001
Exploring the development of a protean career orientation: values and image violations
LD Sargent, SR Domberger
Career development international 12 (6), 545-564, 2007
Conceptualising creativity benefits of nature experience: Attention restoration and mind wandering as complementary processes
KJH Williams, KE Lee, T Hartig, LD Sargent, NSG Williams, KA Johnson
Journal of Environmental Psychology 59, 36-45, 2018
Living roof preference is influenced by plant characteristics and diversity
KE Lee, KJH Williams, LD Sargent, C Farrell, NS Williams
Landscape and Urban Planning 122, 152-159, 2014
An investigation of academic career success: The new tempo of academic life
ML Kraimer, L Greco, SE Seibert, LD Sargent
Academy of Management Learning & Education 18 (2), 128-152, 2019
Careers and academic research collaborations: An inductive process framework for understanding successful collaborations
LD Sargent, LE Waters
Journal of Vocational Behavior 64 (2), 308-319, 2004
Differential effects of task and reward interdependence on perceived helping behavior, effort, and group performance
BC Allen, LD Sargent, LM Bradley
Small group research 34 (6), 716-740, 2003
Employee responses to ‘high performance work system’practices: an empirical test of the disciplined worker thesis
B Harley, L Sargent, B Allen
Work, Employment and Society 24 (4), 740-760, 2010
Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules
LD Sargent, CD Bataille, HC Vough, MD Lee
Journal of Vocational Behavior 79 (2), 315-324, 2011
Appraising the psychological benefits of green roofs for city residents and workers
KJH Williams, KE Lee, L Sargent, KA Johnson, J Rayner, C Farrell, ...
Urban forestry & urban greening 44, 126399, 2019
A survey of the health stress and fatigue of Australian seafarers
TW Parker, LM Hubinger, S Green, L Sargent, B Boyd
Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Australian Government, 1997
Enhancing the experience of student teams in large classes: Training teaching assistants to be coaches
LD Sargent, BC Allen, JA Frahm, G Morris
Journal of Management Education 33 (5), 526-552, 2009
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