Jian Jin
Jian Jin
La Trobe University/Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sicneces
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High throughput sequencing analysis of biogeographical distribution of bacterial communities in the black soils of northeast China
J Liu, Y Sui, Z Yu, YU Shi, H Chu, J Jin, X Liu, G Wang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 70, 113-122, 2014
Three years of biochar amendment alters soil physiochemical properties and fungal community composition in a black soil of northeast China
Q Yao, J Liu, Z Yu, Y Li, J Jin, X Liu, G Wang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 110, 56-67, 2017
Soil carbon content drives the biogeographical distribution of fungal communities in the black soil zone of northeast China
J Liu, Y Sui, Z Yu, Y Shi, H Chu, J Jin, X Liu, G Wang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 83, 29-39, 2015
Soybean yield physiology and development of high-yielding practices in Northeast China
X Liu, J Jin, G Wang, SJ Herbert
Field crops research 105 (3), 157-171, 2008
Agronomic and physiological contributions to the yield improvement of soybean cultivars released from 1950 to 2006 in Northeast China
J Jin, X Liu, G Wang, L Mi, Z Shen, X Chen, SJ Herbert
Field Crops Research 115 (1), 116-123, 2010
Bacterial communities in soybean rhizosphere in response to soil type, soybean genotype, and their growth stage
Y Xu, G Wang, J Jin, J Liu, Q Zhang, X Liu
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (5), 919-925, 2009
Long-term continuous cropping of soybean is comparable to crop rotation in mediating microbial abundance, diversity and community composition
Z Liu, J Liu, Z Yu, Q Yao, Y Li, A Liang, W Zhang, G Mi, J Jin, X Liu, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 197, 104503, 2020
Yield components, dry matter, LAI and LAD of soybeans in Northeast China
X Liu, J Jin, SJ Herbert, Q Zhang, G Wang
Field Crops Research 93 (1), 85-93, 2005
Changes of bacterial community compositions after three years of biochar application in a black soil of northeast China
Q Yao, J Liu, Z Yu, Y Li, J Jin, X Liu, G Wang
Applied Soil Ecology 113, 11-21, 2017
The impact of elevated carbon dioxide on the phosphorus nutrition of plants: a review
J Jin, C Tang, P Sale
Annals of Botany 116 (6), 987-999, 2015
Interaction between phosphorus nutrition and drought on grain yield, and assimilation of phosphorus and nitrogen in two soybean cultivars differing in protein concentration in …
J Jin, G Wang, X Liu, X Pan, SJ Herbert, C Tang
Journal of Plant Nutrition 29 (8), 1433-1449, 2006
Diversity and distribution patterns of acidobacterial communities in the black soil zone of northeast China
J Liu, Y Sui, Z Yu, Q Yao, Y Shi, H Chu, J Jin, X Liu, G Wang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 95, 212-222, 2016
Metagenomics reveals divergent functional profiles of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling under long-term addition of chemical and organic fertilizers in the black soil region
X Hu, H Gu, J Liu, D Wei, P Zhu, B Zhou, X Chen, J Jin, X Liu, G Wang
Geoderma 418, 115846, 2022
Effects of over 30-year of different fertilization regimes on fungal community compositions in the black soils of northeast China
X Hu, J Liu, D Wei, P Zhu, X Cui, B Zhou, X Chen, J Jin, X Liu, G Wang
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 248, 113-122, 2017
Research progress of Acidobacteria ecology in soils
GH Wang, JJ Liu, ZH Yu, XZ Wang, J Jin, XB Liu
Biotechnology Bulletin 32 (2), 14-20, 2016
Phosphorus supply enhances the response of legumes to elevated CO2 (FACE) in a phosphorus-deficient vertisol
J Jin, C Tang, R Armstrong, P Sale
Plant and Soil 358, 91-104, 2012
Impact of intercropping on the coupling between soil microbial community structure, activity, and nutrient-use efficiencies
T Lian, Y Mu, J Jin, Q Ma, Y Cheng, Z Cai, H Nian
PeerJ 7, e6412, 2019
Soybean yield and yield component distribution across the main axis in response to light enrichment and shading under different densities
B Liu, XB Liu, C Wang, YS Li, J Jin, SJ Herbert
Plant, Soil and Environment 56 (8), 384-392, 2010
Elevated CO2 Increases Nitrogen Fixation at the Reproductive Phase Contributing to Various Yield Responses of Soybean Cultivars
Y Li, Z Yu, X Liu, U Mathesius, G Wang, C Tang, J Wu, J Liu, S Zhang, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1546, 2017
Impact of elevated CO2 on grain nutrient concentration varies with crops and soils–A long-term FACE study
J Jin, R Armstrong, C Tang
Science of the Total Environment 651, 2641-2647, 2019
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