Kaushik Joarder
Kaushik Joarder
Research Assistant, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Верификована је имејл адреса на umk.pl
Single-photon sources
U Sinha, SN Sahoo, A Singh, K Joarder, R Chatterjee, S Chakraborti
Optics and Photonics News 30 (9), 32-39, 2019
qkdSim, a Simulation Toolkit for Quantum Key Distribution Including Imperfections: Performance Analysis and Demonstration of the B92 Protocol Using Heralded …
R Chatterjee, K Joarder, S Chatterjee, BC Sanders, U Sinha
Physical Review Applied 14 (2), 024036, 2020
Near-100% two-photon-like coincidence-visibility dip with classical light and the role of complementarity
S Sadana, D Ghosh, K Joarder, AN Lakshmi, BC Sanders, U Sinha
Physical Review A 100 (1), 013839, 2019
Loophole-free interferometric test of macrorealism using heralded single photons
K Joarder, D Saha, D Home, U Sinha
PRX Quantum 3 (1), 010307, 2022
qkdSim: An experimenter's simulation toolkit for QKD with imperfections, and its performance analysis with a demonstration of the B92 protocol using heralded photon
R Chatterjee, K Joarder, S Chatterjee, BC Sanders, U Sinha
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.10061, 2019
Ultrabright source of non-degenerate polarization-entangled photon pairs based on off-the-shelf polarization optics
J Szlachetka, K Joarder, P Kolenderski
Applied Physics Letters 123 (14), 2023
Entanglement-based Quantum Key Distribution in the Daylight and Uplink Satellite Configuration: Proof-of-Principal Demonstration and Feasibility Test
K Joarder, J Szlachetka, P Kolenderski
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.17130, 2025
Ultrabright Sagnac-type source of non-degenerate polarization-entangled photon pairs using only off-the-shelf optical components
J Szlachetka, K Joarder, P Kolenderski
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.02461, 2022
Interaction of a single photon with a single quantum system in ambient conditions
M Gieysztor, M Misiaszek-Schreyner, A Anarthe, K Joarder, D Chan, ...
Single Photon Workshop 2022, 1-1, 2022
Deploying single photons towards experimental tests of Complementarity, Quantum Key Distribution, and Macrorealism
K Joarder
Raman Research Institute, Bangalore., 2022
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