Abdelkhalak EL HAMI
Abdelkhalak EL HAMI
Full Professor, INSA Rouen, Normandy University
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Meta-model development
B Ait-Amir, P Pougnet, A El Hami
Embedded mechatronic systems 2, 157-187, 2020
Multi-objective WSN deployment using genetic algorithms under cost, coverage, and connectivity constraints
MA Benatia, M Sahnoun, D Baudry, A Louis, A El-Hami, B Mazari
Wireless Personal Communications 94 (4), 2739-2768, 2017
Uncertainty and optimization in structural mechanics
A El Hami, B Radi
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Thermal reliability-based design optimization using Kriging model of PCM based pin fin heat sink
K Dammak, A El Hami
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 166, 120745, 2021
Design optimization of PCM-based finned heat sinks for mechatronic components: A numerical investigation and parametric study
B Debich, A El Hami, A Yaich, W Gafsi, L Walha, M Haddar
Journal of Energy Storage 32, 101960, 2020
Flipped classroom model in calculus II
S Kadry, A El Hami
Education 4 (4), 103-107, 2014
Component mode synthesis and polynomial chaos expansions for stochastic frequency functions of large linear FE models
D Sarsri, L Azrar, A Jebbouri, A El Hami
Computers & Structures 89 (3-4), 346-356, 2011
The study of the dynamic contact in ultrasonic motor
B Radi, A El Hami
Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (12), 3767-3777, 2010
A robust study of reliability-based optimization methods under eigen-frequency
A Mohsine, A El Hami
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (17-20), 1006-1018, 2010
Hybridations d'algorithmes métaheuristiques en optimisation globale et leurs applications
H Hachimi
INSA de Rouen; École Mohammadia d'ingénieurs (Rabat, Maroc), 2013
Reliability based design optimization of coupled acoustic-structure system using generalized polynomial chaos
K Dammak, A El Hami, S Koubaa, L Walha, M Haddar
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 134, 75-84, 2017
An approach for the reliability based design optimization of laminated composites
RH Lopez, D Lemosse, JES de Cursi, J Rojas, A El-Hami
Engineering Optimization 43 (10), 1079-1094, 2011
Improved hybrid method as a robust tool for reliability-based design optimization
A Mohsine, G Kharmanda, A El-Hami
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 32 (3), 203-213, 2006
Dynamic vibrations in wind energy systems: Application to vertical axis wind turbine
IB Mabrouk, A El Hami, L Walha, B Zghal, M Haddar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 85, 396-414, 2017
Uncertainty analysis of deep drawing using surrogate model based probabilistic method
C Huang, B Radi, AE Hami
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 86 (9), 3229-3240, 2016
A polynomial chaos method for the analysis of the dynamic behavior of uncertain gear friction system
A Guerine, A El Hami, L Walha, T Fakhfakh, M Haddar
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 59, 76-84, 2016
Numerical modelling of vibro-acoustic problem in presence of uncertainty: Application to a vehicle cabin
K Dammak, S Koubaa, A El Hami, L Walha, M Haddar
Applied Acoustics 144, 113-123, 2019
A perturbation approach for the dynamic analysis of one stage gear system with uncertain nnparameters
A Guerine, A El Hami, L Walha, T Fakhfakh, M Haddar
Mechanism and Machine Theory 92, 113-126, 2015
Global sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimisation of loading path in tube hydroforming process based on metamodelling techniques
A Ben Abdessalem, A El-Hami
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 71, 753-773, 2014
Optimum values of structural safety factors for a predefined reliability level with extension to multiple limit states
G Kharmanda, N Olhoff, A El-Hami
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 27, 421-434, 2004
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