Xiaoxia (Summer) Dong
Xiaoxia (Summer) Dong
Верификована је имејл адреса на design.upenn.edu
Transit user perceptions of driverless buses
X Dong, M DiScenna, E Guerra
Transportation 46 (1), 35-50, 2019
Trade Uber for the Bus? An Investigation of Individual Willingness to Use Ride-Hail Versus Transit
X Dong
Journal of the American Planning Association 86 (2), 222-235, 2020
Do Denser Neighborhoods Have Safer Streets? Population Density and Traffic Safety in the Philadelphia Region
E Guerra, X Dong, M Kondo
Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X19845043, 2019
Taxi Drops Off as Transit Grows amid Ride-Hailing’s Impact on Airport Access in New York
X Dong, MS Ryerson
Transportation Research Record, 0361198120963116, 2020
Impact of TNC on travel behavior and mode choice: a comparative analysis of Boston and Philadelphia
X Dong, E Guerra, RA Daziano
Transportation, 1-21, 2021
Temporal Analysis of Predictors of Pedestrian Crashes
E Guerra, X Dong, L Lin, Y Guo
Transportation Research Record, 0361198120920633, 2020
Investigating changes in longitudinal associations between declining bus ridership, bus service, and neighborhood characteristics
X Dong
Journal of Public Transportation 24, 2022
Increasing civil aviation capacity in China requires harmonizing the physical and human components of capacity: A review and investigation
X Dong, MS Ryerson
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 1, 100005, 2019
Martens: Transport Justice: Designing Fair Transportation Systems
X Dong
Journal of the American Planning Association 85 (1), 75-76, 2019
Financial status and travel time to driving schools as barriers to obtaining a young driver license in a state with comprehensive young driver licensing policy
X Dong, JS Wu, ST Jensen, EA Walshe, FK Winston, MS Ryerson
Accident Analysis & Prevention 191, 107198, 2023
Linking TNC with passengers: Investigating TNC use among lower-income residents with limited access to cars
X Dong
Travel Behaviour and Society 27, 184-191, 2022
Risk of Falls in adults 45–64 years old in the United States
A Amiri, X Dong, K Frith
Public Health Nursing, 2022
Investigating Travel Needs and Traffic Conditions in the TNC Era with Taxi Data
X Dong
Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X20967433, 2020
Investigating the recovery of For-Hire-Vehicle, Taxi, and AirTrain at two New York City airports during the COVID-19 pandemic
X Dong, E Guerra, MS Ryerson
Travel Behaviour and Society 33, 100646, 2023
Investigating the preferences between shared and non-shared ride-hailing services across user groups
X Dong, E Guerra, RA Daziano, P Chatterjee, N Kovalova
Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2022
Faster, smarter, greener: the future of the car and urban mobility
X Dong
Transport Reviews 39 (3), 409-410, 2019
A Philadelphia Ride-Share Story: An Investigation of Ride-Share’s Impact on Transit
X Dong, E Guerra
University of Pennsylvania, 2020
Role of the Built Environment, Roadway Characteristics, and Socioeconomic Factors in Keeping Teen Drivers Safe: An Investigation of the Factors Most Related to Teen Driver …
JS Wu, X Dong, J Green, MS Ryerson
Transportation Research Record, 03611981241275543, 2024
Residing in a Driver Training Desert leads to Delayed Licensure: Investigating the Relationship between Accessibility to Driver Training and Young Driver’s Licensure
X Dong, JS Wu, EA Walshe, FK Winston, MS Ryerson
Findings, 2023
Investigating Safety in Numbers in Cycling After the Entry of Dock-Based Bikeshare Programs in Three US Cities
X Dong, S Hamidi, E Dumbaugh
Transportation Research Record, 03611981221123803, 2022
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