Services Marketing:Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition A Wilson, V Zeithaml, MJ Bitner, DD Gremler McGraw Hill, 2016 | 24209* | 2016 |
Corporate reputation: seeking a definition M Gotsi, AM Wilson Corporate communications: An international journal 6 (1), 24-30, 2001 | 2229 | 2001 |
The role of internal branding in the delivery of employee brand promise K Punjaisri, A Wilson Advances in corporate branding, 91-108, 2017 | 856 | 2017 |
Shopping in the digital world: Examining customer engagement through augmented reality mobile applications G McLean, A Wilson Computers in human behavior 101, 210-224, 2019 | 660 | 2019 |
Marketing research: an integrated approach 2nd edition AM Wilson FT Prentice Hall, 2006 | 581* | 2006 |
Internal branding: an enabler of employees' brand‐supporting behaviours K Punjaisri, H Evanschitzky, A Wilson Journal of service management 20 (2), 209-226, 2009 | 570 | 2009 |
Internal branding process: key mechanisms, outcomes and moderating factors K Punjaisri, A Wilson European journal of Marketing 45 (9/10), 1521-1537, 2011 | 561 | 2011 |
Corporate reputation management:“living the brand” M Gotsi, A Wilson Management decision 39 (2), 99-104, 2001 | 513 | 2001 |
Understanding organisational culture and the implications for corporate marketing AM Wilson European Journal of Marketing 35 (3/4), 353-367, 2001 | 482 | 2001 |
Corporate identity: there is more to it than meets the eye JMT Balmer, A Wilson International Studies of Management & Organization 28 (3), 12-31, 1998 | 448 | 1998 |
Developing a mobile applications customer experience model (MACE)-implications for retailers G Mclean, K Al-Nabhani, A Wilson Journal of business research 85, 325-336, 2018 | 443 | 2018 |
Evolving the online customer experience… is there a role for online customer support? G McLean, A Wilson Computers in human behavior 60, 602-610, 2016 | 318 | 2016 |
Exploring the influences of internal branding on employees' brand promise delivery: implications for strengthening customer–brand relationships K Punjaisri, A Wilson, H Evanschitzky Journal of relationship marketing 7 (4), 407-424, 2008 | 290 | 2008 |
The role of mystery shopping in the measurement of service performance AM Wilson Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 8 (6), 414-420, 1998 | 243 | 1998 |
Internet based marketing research: a serious alternative to traditional research methods? A Wilson, N Laskey Marketing Intelligence & Planning 21 (2), 79-84, 2003 | 239 | 2003 |
Hospitality and travel: The nature and implications of user-generated content A Wilson, H Murphy, JC Fierro Cornell hospitality quarterly 53 (3), 220-228, 2012 | 235 | 2012 |
The use of mystery shopping in the measurement of service delivery AM Wilson Service Industries Journal 18 (3), 148-163, 1998 | 217 | 1998 |
Mystery shopping: Using deception to measure service performance AM Wilson Psychology & Marketing 18 (7), 721-734, 2001 | 214 | 2001 |
Patient co-creation activities in healthcare service delivery at the micro level: The influence of online access to healthcare information K Osei-Frimpong, A Wilson, F Lemke Technological Forecasting and Social Change 126, 14-27, 2018 | 199 | 2018 |
Internal branding to influence employees' brand promise delivery: a case study in Thailand K Punjaisri, A Wilson, H Evanschitzky Journal of Service Management 20 (5), 561-579, 2009 | 195 | 2009 |