Corentin Le Guillou
Corentin Le Guillou
Research scientist at CNRS and Univ. Lille, France
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Evolution of organic matter in Orgueil, Murchison and Renazzo during parent body aqueous alteration: In situ investigations
C Le Guillou, S Bernard, AJ Brearley, L Remusat
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 131, 368-392, 2014
The energetic and chemical signatures of persistent soil organic matter
P Barré, AF Plante, L Cécillon, S Lutfalla, F Baudin, S Bernard, ...
Biogeochemistry 130, 1-12, 2016
Relationships between organics, water and early stages of aqueous alteration in the pristine CR3. 0 chondrite MET 00426
C Le Guillou, A Brearley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 131, 344-367, 2014
Nanodiamond nucleation below 2273K at 15GPa from carbons with different structural organizations
C Le Guillou, F Brunet, T Irifune, H Ohfuji, JN Rouzaud
Carbon 45 (3), 636-648, 2007
Widespread oxidized and hydrated amorphous silicates in CR chondrites matrices: Implications for alteration conditions and H 2 degassing of asteroids
C Le Guillou, HG Changela, AJ Brearley
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 420, 162-173, 2015
Paris vs. Murchison: Impact of hydrothermal alteration on organic matter in CM chondrites
V Vinogradoff, C Le Guillou, S Bernard, L Binet, P Cartigny, AJ Brearley, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 212, 234-252, 2017
Molecular preservation of 1.88 Ga Gunflint organic microfossils as a function of temperature and mineralogy
J Alleon, S Bernard, C Le Guillou, J Marin-Carbonne, S Pont, O Beyssac, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11977, 2016
Early entombment within silica minimizes the molecular degradation of microorganisms during advanced diagenesis
J Alleon, S Bernard, C Le Guillou, D Daval, F Skouri-Panet, S Pont, ...
Chemical Geology 437, 98-108, 2016
A dehydrated space-weathered skin cloaking the hydrated interior of Ryugu
T Noguchi, T Matsumoto, A Miyake, Y Igami, M Haruta, H Saito, S Hata, ...
Nature Astronomy 7 (2), 170-181, 2023
Evolution of interstellar organic compounds under asteroidal hydrothermal conditions
V Vinogradoff, S Bernard, C Le Guillou, L Remusat
Icarus 305, 358-370, 2018
Chemical nature of the 3.4 Ga Strelley Pool microfossils
J Alleon, S Bernard, C Le Guillou, O Beyssac, K Sugitani, R F.
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 7, 2018
XANES-based quantification of carbon functional group concentrations
C Le Guillou, S Bernard, F De la Pena, Y Le Brech
Analytical Chemistry, 2018
Structures, origin and evolution of various carbon phases in the ureilite Northwest Africa 4742 compared with laboratory-shocked graphite
C Le Guillou, JN Rouzaud, L Remusat, A Jambon, M Bourot-Denise
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (14), 4167-4185, 2010
High resolution TEM of chondritic carbonaceous matter: metamorphic evolution and heterogeneity
C Le Guillou, JN ROUZAUD, L Bonal, E Quirico, S Derenne, L Remusat
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 47 (3), 345-362, 2012
Organic molecular heterogeneities can withstand diagenesis
J Alleon, S Bernard, C Le Guillou, D Daval, F Skouri-Panet, M Kuga, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1508, 2017
Coordinated NanoSIMS and FIB-TEM analyses of organic matter and associated matrix materials in CR3 chondrites
C Floss, C Le Guillou, A Brearley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 139, 1-25, 2014
Influence of phyllosilicates on the hydrothermal alteration of organic matter in asteroids: experimental perspectives
V Vinogradoff, C Le Guillou, S Bernard, JC Viennet, M Jaber, L Remusat
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 269, 150-166, 2020
Mineralogical evolution of Fe–Si-rich layers at the olivine-water interface during carbonation reactions
GD Saldi, D Daval, H Guo, F Guyot, S Bernard, C Le Guillou, JA Davis, ...
American Mineralogist 100 (11-12), 2655-2669, 2015
Hydrothermal evolution of the morphology, molecular composition, and distribution of organic matter in CR (Renazzo‐type) chondrites
HG Changela, C Le Guillou, S Bernard, AJ Brearley
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 53 (5), 1006-1029, 2018
Amorphization and D/H fractionation of kerogens during experimental electron irradiation: Comparison with chondritic organic matter
C Le Guillou, L Remusat, S Bernard, AJ Brearley, H Leroux
Icarus 226 (1), 101-110, 2013
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