Efficient linear circuit analysis by Padé approximation via the Lanczos process P Feldmann, RW Freund IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 1995 | 1781 | 1995 |
QMR: a quasi-minimal residual method for non-Hermitian linear systems RW Freund, NM Nachtigal Numerische mathematik 60 (1), 315-339, 1991 | 1622 | 1991 |
A transpose-free quasi-minimal residual algorithm for non-Hermitian linear systems RW Freund SIAM journal on scientific computing 14 (2), 470-482, 1993 | 1015 | 1993 |
Iterative solution of linear systems RW Preund, GI Golub, N Nachtigal Acta Numerica, 57-100, 1991 | 759 | 1991 |
Krylov-subspace methods for reduced-order modeling in circuit simulation RW Freund Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 123 (1-2), 395-421, 2000 | 585 | 2000 |
Conjugate gradient-type methods for linear systems with complex symmetric coefficient matrices RW Freund SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 13 (1), 425-448, 1992 | 547 | 1992 |
An implementation of the look-ahead Lanczos algorithm for non-Hermitian matrices RW Freund, MH Gutknecht, NM Nachtigal SIAM journal on scientific computing 14 (1), 137-158, 1993 | 534 | 1993 |
Model reduction methods based on Krylov subspaces RW Freund Acta Numerica 12, 267-319, 2003 | 492 | 2003 |
An implementation of the QMR method based on coupled two-term recurrences RW Freund, NM Nachtigal SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 15 (2), 313-337, 1994 | 350 | 1994 |
SPRIM: structure-preserving reduced-order interconnect macromodeling RW Freund IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design, 2004. ICCAD-2004 …, 2004 | 314 | 2004 |
Reduced-order modeling of large linear subcircuits via a block Lanczos algorithm P Feldmann, RW Freund Proceedings of the 32nd annual acm/ieee design automation conference, 474-479, 1995 | 314 | 1995 |
Solving the sum-of-ratios problem by an interior-point method RW Freund, F Jarre Journal of Global Optimization 19 (1), 83-102, 2001 | 254 | 2001 |
A block QMR algorithm for non-Hermitian linear systems with multiple right-hand sides RW Freund, M Malhotra Linear algebra and its applications 254 (1-3), 119-157, 1997 | 239 | 1997 |
Reduced-order modeling techniques based on Krylov subspaces and their use in circuit simulation RW Freund Applied and Computational Control, Signals, and Circuits: Volume 1, 435-498, 1999 | 218 | 1999 |
A new Krylov-subspace method for symmetric indefinite linear systems RW Freund, NM Nachtigal Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 1994 | 174 | 1994 |
Software for simplified Lanczos and QMR algorithms RW Freund, NM Nachtigal Applied Numerical Mathematics 19 (3), 319-341, 1995 | 164 | 1995 |
A Lanczos-type method for multiple starting vectors J Aliaga, D Boley, R Freund, V Hernández Mathematics of computation 69 (232), 1577-1601, 2000 | 162 | 2000 |
Reduced-order modeling of large passive linear circuits by means of the SyPVL algorithm RW Freund, P Feldmann Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Design, 280-287, 1996 | 155 | 1996 |
Stoer/Bulirsch RW Freund, RHW Hoppe Numerische Mathematik 1 (10), 318, 2007 | 153 | 2007 |
On conjugate gradient type methods and polynomial preconditioners for a class of complex non-Hermitian matrices R Freund Numerische Mathematik 57 (1), 285-312, 1990 | 128 | 1990 |