Stefano Vanin
Stefano Vanin
Верификована је имејл адреса на unige.it
Catalytic mechanisms and specificities of glutathione peroxidases: variations of a basic scheme
S Toppo, L Flohé, F Ursini, S Vanin, M Maiorino
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1790 (11), 1486-1500, 2009
Evolutionary and structural insights into the multifaceted glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) superfamily
S Toppo, S Vanin, V Bosello, SCE Tosatto
Antioxidants & redox signaling 10 (9), 1501-1514, 2008
Unexpected features of Drosophila circadian behavioural rhythms under natural conditions
S Vanin, S Bhutani, S Montelli, P Menegazzi, EW Green, M Pegoraro, ...
Nature 484 (7394), 371-375, 2012
Use of digestate from a decentralized on-farm biogas plant as fertilizer in soils: An ecotoxicological study for future indicators in risk and life cycle assessment
A Pivato, S Vanin, R Raga, MC Lavagnolo, A Barausse, A Rieple, ...
Waste management 49, 378-389, 2016
Synergic Entrainment of Drosophila’s Circadian Clock by Light and Temperature
T Yoshii, S Vanin, R Costa, C Helfrich-Förster
Journal of biological rhythms 24 (6), 452-464, 2009
Forensic entomology and climatic change
M Turchetto, S Vanin
Forensic science international 146, S207-S209, 2004
Forensic entomology and the estimation of the minimum time since death in indoor cases
V Bugelli, D Forni, LA Bassi, M Di Paolo, D Marra, S Lenzi, C Toni, ...
Journal of forensic sciences 60 (2), 525-531, 2015
Use of Lucilia species for forensic investigations in Southern Europe
S Vanin, P Tasinato, G Ducolin, C Terranova, S Zancaner, M Montisci, ...
Forensic Science International 177 (1), 37-41, 2008
Plant behaviour from human imprints and the cultivation of wild cereals in Holocene Sahara
AM Mercuri, R Fornaciari, M Gallinaro, S Vanin, S Di Lernia
Nature plants 4 (2), 71-81, 2018
Drosophila Clock Neurons under Natural Conditions
P Menegazzi, S Vanin, T Yoshii, D Rieger, C Hermann, V Dusik, ...
Journal of biological rhythms 28 (1), 3-14, 2013
Crime scene and body alterations caused by arthropods: implications in death investigation
A Viero, M Montisci, G Pelletti, S Vanin
International journal of legal medicine 133, 307-316, 2019
Drosophila circadian rhythms in seminatural environments: Summer afternoon component is not an artifact and requires TrpA1 channels
EW Green, EK O’Callaghan, CN Hansen, S Bastianello, S Bhutani, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (28), 8702-8707, 2015
A phylogenomic profile of hemerythrins, the nonheme diiron binding respiratory proteins
X Bailly, S Vanin, C Chabasse, K Mizuguchi, SN Vinogradov
BMC evolutionary biology 8, 1-11, 2008
Validation of third molar maturity index (I3M) for discrimination of juvenile/adult status in South Indian population
SB Balla, I Galic, P Karunakar, S Vanin, S De Luca, R Cameriere
Journal of forensic and legal medicine 49, 2-7, 2017
Genetic variability and pathological properties of Grapevine Leafroll-associated Virus 2 isolates
N Bertazzon, M Borgo, S Vanin, E Angelini
European Journal of Plant Pathology 127, 185-197, 2010
Evolution of the Sulfide-Binding Function Within the Globin Multigenic Family of the Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Tubeworm Riftia pachyptila
X Bailly, D Jollivet, S Vanin, J Deutsch, F Zal, F Lallier, A Toulmond
Molecular biology and evolution 19 (9), 1421-1433, 2002
Forensic evaluations on a crime case with monospecific necrophagous fly population infected by two parasitoid species
M Turchetto, S Vanin
Anil Aggrawal's internet journal of forensic medicine and toxicology 5 (1 …, 2004
Insects found on a human cadaver in central Italy including the blowfly Calliphora loewi (Diptera, Calliphoridae), a new species of forensic interest
S Vanin, M Gherardi, V Bugelli, M Di Paolo
Forensic Science International 207 (1-3), e30-e33, 2011
Third molar maturity index by measurements of open apices in a Libyan sample of living subjects
AAK Dardouri, R Cameriere, S De Luca, S Vanin
Forensic science international 267, 230. e1-230. e6, 2016
A computational model of the LGI1 protein suggests a common binding site for ADAM proteins
E Leonardi, S Andreazza, S Vanin, G Busolin, C Nobile, SCE Tosatto
PLoS One 6 (3), e18142, 2011
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