Thomas Ireland
Thomas Ireland
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A novel extraction chromatography and MC-ICP-MS technique for rapid analysis of REE, Sc and Y: Revising CI-chondrite and Post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) abundances
A Pourmand, N Dauphas, TJ Ireland
Chemical Geology 291, 38-54, 2012
Nanoparticle mediated tumor vascular disruption: a novel strategy in radiation therapy
S Kunjachan, A Detappe, R Kumar, T Ireland, L Cameron, DE Biancur, ...
Nano letters 15 (11), 7488-7496, 2015
Highly siderophile element and 187Os isotope systematics of Hawaiian picrites: implications for parental melt composition and source heterogeneity
TJ Ireland, RJ Walker, MO Garcia
Chemical Geology 260 (1-2), 112-128, 2009
Ground turmeric as a source of lead exposure in the United States
W Cowell, T Ireland, D Vorhees, W Heiger-Bernays
Public Health Reports 132 (3), 289-293, 2017
Geochemical evidence for initiation of the modern Mekong delta in the southwestern South China Sea after 8 Ma
C Liu, PD Clift, RW Murray, J Blusztajn, T Ireland, S Wan, W Ding
Chemical Geology 451, 38-54, 2017
Heating events in the nascent solar system recorded by rare earth element isotopic fractionation in refractory inclusions
JY Hu, N Dauphas, FLH Tissot, R Yokochi, TJ Ireland, Z Zhang, AM Davis, ...
Science Advances 7 (2), eabc2962, 2021
186Os–187Os systematics of Hawaiian picrites revisited: new insights into Os isotopic variations in ocean island basalts
TJ Ireland, RJ Walker, AD Brandon
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (16), 4456-4475, 2011
Key clinical beam parameters for nanoparticle-mediated radiation dose amplification
A Detappe, S Kunjachan, P Drané, S Kotb, M Myronakis, DE Biancur, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34040, 2016
Simplified mantle architecture and distribution of radiogenic power
R Arevalo Jr, WF McDonough, A Stracke, M Willbold, TJ Ireland, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (7), 2265-2285, 2013
Lead exposure to children from consumption of backyard chicken eggs
JH Leibler, K Basra, T Ireland, A McDonagh, C Ressijac, ...
Environmental research 167, 445-452, 2018
Continuous Holocene input of river sediment to the Indus Submarine Canyon
Y Li, PD Clift, P Böning, J Blusztajn, RW Murray, T Ireland, K Pahnke, ...
Marine Geology 406, 159-176, 2018
Tungsten in Hawaiian picrites: A compositional model for the sources of Hawaiian lavas
TJ Ireland, R Arevalo Jr, RJ Walker, WF McDonough
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (15), 4517-4530, 2009
Teflon-HPLC: A novel chromatographic system for application to isotope geochemistry and other industries
TJ Ireland, FLH Tissot, R Yokochi, N Dauphas
chemical Geology 357, 203-214, 2013
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Selective Priming of Tumor Blood Vessels by Radiation Therapy Enhances Nanodrug Delivery
S Kunjachan, S Kotb, R Pola, M Pechar, R Kumar, B Singh, F Gremse, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 15844, 2019
Anoxic continental surface weathering recorded by the 2.95 Ga Denny Dalton Paleosol (Pongola Supergroup, South Africa)
AW Heard, SM Aarons, A Hofmann, X He, T Ireland, A Bekker, L Qin, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 295, 1-23, 2021
Marine sedimentary records of chemical weathering evolution in the western Himalaya since 17 Ma
P Zhou, T Ireland, RW Murray, PD Clift
Geosphere 17 (3), 824-853, 2021
Oxygen production and rapid iron oxidation in stromatolites immediately predating the Great Oxidation Event
AW Heard, A Bekker, A Kovalick, H Tsikos, T Ireland, N Dauphas
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 582, 117416, 2022
Asian summer monsoon influence on chemical weathering and sediment provenance determined by clay mineral analysis from the Indus Submarine Canyon
Y Li, PD Clift, RW Murray, E Exnicios, T Ireland, P Böning
Quaternary Research 93, 23-39, 2020
Continuous signal propagation in the Indus submarine canyon since the last deglacial
Y Li, PD Clift, P Böning, J Blusztajn, RW Murray, TJ Ireland, K Pahnke, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, EP41E-04, 2016
Chromatography purification of Rb for accurate isotopic analysis by MC-ICPMS: a comparison between AMP-PAN, cation-exchange, and Sr resins
NX Nie, N Dauphas, T Hopp, JY Hu, ZJ Zhang, R Yokochi, TJ Ireland, ...
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 36 (12), 2588-2602, 2021
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