Navid Ganjian
Navid Ganjian
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic
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Load-settlement characteristics of large-scale square footing on sand reinforced with opening geocell reinforcement
A Shadmand, M Ghazavi, N Ganjian
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 46 (3), 319-326, 2018
Three-dimensional stability analysis of convex slopes in plan view
O Farzaneh, F Askari, N Ganjian
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 134 (8), 1192-1200, 2008
Effect of geocell-reinforced sand base on bearing capacity of twin circular footings
P Fazeli Dehkordi, M Ghazavi, N Ganjian, UFA Karim
Geosynthetics International 26 (3), 224-236, 2019
Bearing capacity of group of stone columns with granular blankets
J Nazariafshar, N Mehrannia, F Kalantary, N Ganjian
International Journal of Civil Engineering 17, 253-263, 2019
Experimental study on soil improvement with stone columns and granular blankets
N Mehrannia, F Kalantary, N Ganjian
Journal of Central South University 25 (4), 866-878, 2018
Estimation of the water retention curve for unsaturated clay
S Majdeddin Mir Mohammad Hosseini, N Ganjian, Y Pashang Pisheh
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (4), 543-549, 2011
Stability analysis and design of cantilever retaining walls with regard to possible failure mechanisms: an upper bound limit analysis approach
A Ranjbar Karkanaki, N Ganjian, F Askari
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 35, 1079-1092, 2017
Experimental study on shear strength of cohesive soils reinforced with stone columns
M Aslani, J Nazariafshar, N Ganjian
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 37, 2165-2188, 2019
Parametric study from laboratory tests on twin circular footings on geocell-reinforced sand
P Fazeli Dehkordi, M Ghazavi, N Ganjian, UFA Karim
Scientia Iranica 28 (1), 96-108, 2021
Experimental unsaturated soil mechanics
T Schanz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Shear strength parameters of clayey sand treated with cement and nano titanium dioxide
A Babaei, M Ghazavi, N Ganjian
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 40 (1), 133-151, 2022
Stochastic analysis of the capacity of two parallel footings on a thin sand layer
PF Dehkordi, UFA Karim, M Ghazavi, N Ganjian
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering …, 2019
Rotation–translation mechanisms for upper-bound solution of bearing capacity problems
O Farzaneh, N Ganjian, F Askari
Computers and Geotechnics 37 (4), 449-455, 2010
Mitigation of the liquefaction potential of soil by Ca-carbonate precipitation induced by indigenous urease-producing Staphylococcus sp. IR-103
R Moosazadeh, F Tabandeh, F Kalantary, N Ganjian, H Fallah, ...
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 16, 3657-3666, 2019
Scale effects of footings on geocell reinforced sand using large-scale tests
A Shadmand, M Ghazavi, N Ganjian
Civil Engineering Journal 4 (3), 497-508, 2018
Prediction of soil–water characteristic curve based on soil index properties
N Ganjian, YP Pisheh, SMMM Hosseini
Experimental Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, 355-367, 2007
The effects of chemical admixtures and physical factors on the treatment of dispersive soils
H Shoghi, M Ghazavi, N Ganjian
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 1-7, 2017
Experimental and field studies on the behavior of drilled displacement piles
SH Rad, S Ghareh, A Eslami, N Ganjian
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 6, 1-11, 2021
Self-expanded piles: A new approach to unconventional piles development
E Shojaei, A Eslami, N Ganjian
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 39 (1), 115-128, 2021
Pseudo-static analysis of cantilever retaining walls using upper bound limit analysis approach
AR Karkanaki, N Ganjian, F Askari
J. Cent. South Univ. 26, 241-255, 2019
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