Panagiotis T. Nastos
Panagiotis T. Nastos
Professor of Climatology, School of Sciences, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Верификована је имејл адреса на geol.uoa.gr
Acute effects of air pollution on pediatric asthma exacerbation: evidence of association and effect modification
E Samoli, PT Nastos, AG Paliatsos, K Katsouyanni, KN Priftis
Environmental research 111 (3), 418-424, 2011
Long term precipitation trends and variability within the Mediterranean region
CM Philandras, PT Nastos, J Kapsomenakis, KC Douvis, G Tselioudis, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (12), 3235-3250, 2011
The effect of air temperature and human thermal indices on mortality in Athens, Greece
PT Nastos, A Matzarakis
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 108, 591-599, 2012
Climatological variations in daily hospital admissions for acute coronary syndromes
DB Panagiotakos, C Chrysohoou, C Pitsavos, P Nastos, A Anadiotis, ...
International journal of cardiology 94 (2-3), 229-233, 2004
Spatial and temporal variability of the Aridity Index in Greece
PT Nastos, N Politi, J Kapsomenakis
Atmospheric Research 119, 140-152, 2013
Outdoor particulate matter and childhood asthma admissions in Athens, Greece: a time-series study
PT Nastos, AG Paliatsos, MB Anthracopoulos, ES Roma, KN Priftis
Environmental Health 9, 1-9, 2010
Study on an intense dust storm over Greece
DG Kaskaoutis, HD Kambezidis, PT Nastos, PG Kosmopoulos
Atmospheric Environment 42 (29), 6884-6896, 2008
Weather impacts on respiratory infections in Athens, Greece
PT Nastos, A Matzarakis
International journal of biometeorology 50, 358-369, 2006
Spatial and temporal variability of consecutive dry and wet days in Greece
PT Nastos, CS Zerefos
Atmospheric Research 94 (4), 616-628, 2009
Climate variability and urbanization in Athens
CM Philandras, DA Metaxas, PT Nastos
Theoretical and applied climatology 63, 65-72, 1999
Precipitation forecast using artificial neural networks in specific regions of Greece
KP Moustris, IK Larissi, PT Nastos, AG Paliatsos
Water resources management 25, 1979-1993, 2011
Artificial neural networks modeling for forecasting the maximum daily total precipitation at Athens, Greece
PT Nastos, AG Paliatsos, KV Koukouletsos, IK Larissi, KP Moustris
Atmospheric Research 144, 141-150, 2014
Human-biometeorological assessment of heat waves in Athens
A Matzarakis, PT Nastos
Theoretical and applied climatology 105, 99-106, 2011
Identification of aerosol type over the Arabian Sea in the premonsoon season during the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, Gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB)
MCR Kalapureddy, DG Kaskaoutis, P Ernest Raj, PCS Devara, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D17), 2009
Evaluation of the TRMM 3B43 gridded precipitation estimates over Greece
PT Nastos, J Kapsomenakis, KM Philandras
Atmospheric Research 169, 497-514, 2016
Aerosol climatology and discrimination of different types over Athens, Greece, based on MODIS data
DG Kaskaoutis, P Kosmopoulos, HD Kambezidis, PT Nastos
Atmospheric Environment 41 (34), 7315-7329, 2007
Seasonal variation of columnar aerosol optical properties over Athens, Greece, based on MODIS data
PG Kosmopoulos, DG Kaskaoutis, PT Nastos, HD Kambezidis
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (5), 2354-2366, 2008
Rainwater composition in Athens, Greece
JG Dikaiakos, CG Tsitouris, PA Siskos, DA Melissos, P Nastos
Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere 24 (1), 171-176, 1990
Analysis of precipitation extremes based on satellite and high-resolution gridded data set over Mediterranean basin
PT Nastos, J Kapsomenakis, KC Douvis
Atmospheric Research 131, 46-59, 2013
Rain intensity forecast using artificial neural networks in Athens, Greece
PT Nastos, KP Moustris, IK Larissi, AG Paliatsos
Atmospheric Research 119, 153-160, 2013
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