Ibrahim Shahin
Ibrahim Shahin
Mechanical Engineering Department, Shoubra faculty of Engineering, Benha University, Egypt
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Three dimensional computational study for spiral dry gas seal with constant groove depth and different tapered grooves
I Shahin, M Gadala, M Alqaradawi, O Badr
Procedia Engineering 68, 205-212, 2013
Effect of winglet geometry on horizontal axis wind turbine performance
MG Mourad, I Shahin, SS Ayad, OE Abdellatif, TA Mekhail
Engineering Reports, e12101, 2020
Large eddy simulation for a deep surge cycle in a high-speed centrifugal compressor with vaned diffuser
I Shahin, M Gadala, M Alqaradawi, O Badr
Journal of Turbomachinery 137 (10), 101007, 2015
Numerical investigation of rotating stall in centrifugal compressor with vaned and vaneless diffuser
T Halawa, M Alqaradawi, MS Gadala, I Shahin, O Badr
Journal of thermal science 24, 323-333, 2015
Unsteady CFD simulation for high speed centrifugal compressor operating near surge
I Shahin, M Gadala, M Alqaradawi, O Badr
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45639, V02DT44A045, 2014
Centrifugal compressor spiral dry gas seal simulation working at reverse rotation
I Shahin, M Gadala, M Alqaradawi, O Badr
Procedia Engineering 68, 285-292, 2013
On the aero acoustic and internal flows structure in a centrifugal compressor with hub side cavity operating at off design condition
I Shahin, M Alqaradawi, M Gadala, O Badr
Aerospace Science and Technology 60 (C), 68-83, 2016
Large eddy simulation of surge inception and active surge control in a high speed centrifugal compressor with a vaned diffuser
I Shahin, M Alqaradawi, M Gadala, O Badr
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (23-24), 10404-10418, 2016
Gas seal performance and start up condition enhancing with different seal groove geometries
I Shahin
Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering, 2016
Area ratio effect on the turbulent flow through a diffusing S-duct using large-eddy simulation
O Abdellatif, M Abd Rabbo, M Abd Elganny, I Shahin
6th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), 5726 …, 2008
Optimization of stepped conical swirler with multiple jets for pre-mixed turbulent swirl flames
I Shahin, IMM Elsemary, AA Abdel-Rehim, AAA Attia, KH Elnagar
Applied Thermal Engineering 102, 359–374, 2016
Aerodynamics Performance of Multi Gurney Flaps Configurations on Airfoil
MA Abdelrahman, W Mohamed, I Shahin, MW Al-Dosoky, M Higazy
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ), 2020
Drill string nonlinear vibrations: experimental studies and finite-element analysis
M Kanzari, IM Shahin, MY Alqaradawi, B Balachandran
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1075 (1), 012010, 2018
Performance and Unsteady Flow Field Prediction of a Centrifugal Pump with CFD Tools
I Shahin, M AbdEelganny, O Abdellatif, S Ayad, M Abd Rabbo
Tenth International Congress of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD10)", Stella Di Mare Sea …, 2010
Performance and Slip Factor Prediction for Radial and Mixed Flow Pumps
AHI Aboelnil, MA Abdellatif, I Shahin, MA Moawad, MF Abd Rabbo
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 10 (7), 2019
Effect of Blade Tip Geometry on Centrifugal Compressor Performance and Stability
I Shahin
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences: Conference Series 11 (12), 2769 …, 2016
Aeroacoustic Simulation for NASA CC3 Centrifugal Compressor Operating at off Design Condition
M Alqaradawi, I Shahin, M Gadala, O Badr
MATEC Web of Conferences 70, 03004, 2016
Computational Study of center line turning angle effect on the turbulent flow through a diffusing S-duct using Large-eddy simulation
Abdellatif, O., E., Abd Rabbo, M., A., Shahin, I., M.
9th International Congress of Fluid Dynamics, ICFDP9-EG-233, 2008
Effect of Blade Slot Inclination Angle on Flow Separation in The Centrifugal Fan Impeller
SA Beskales, IM Shahin, SS Ayad, OE Abdellatif, T Mekhail
Engineering Research Journal (Shoubra) 52 (4), 193-203, 2023
Effect of Suction Slot Location and Width on the Performance of Centrifugal Fan
SA Beskales, I Shahin, SS Ayad, OE Abdellatif, T Mekhail
Engineering Research Journal (Shoubra) 52 (3), 164-171, 2023
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