Pedro Piqueras
Pedro Piqueras
Full Professor, CMT - Clean Mobility & Thermofluids, Universitat Politècnica de València
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A fluid dynamic model for unsteady compressible flow in wall-flow diesel particulate filters
AJ Torregrosa, JR Serrano, FJ Arnau, P Piqueras
Energy 36 (1), 671-684, 2011
Filtration modelling in wall-flow particulate filters of low soot penetration thickness
JR Serrano, H Climent, P Piqueras, E Angiolini
Energy 112, 883-898, 2016
Why the Development of Internal Combustion Engines Is Still Necessary to Fight against Global Climate Change from the Perspective of Transportation
JR Serrano, R Novella, P Piqueras
Applied Sciences 9 (21), 4597, 2019
Methodology for characterisation and simulation of turbocharged diesel engines combustion during transient operation. Part 1: Data acquisition and post-processing
JR Serrano, FJ Arnau, V Dolz, P Piqueras
Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (1), 142-149, 2009
Methodology for characterisation and simulation of turbocharged diesel engines combustion during transient operation. Part 2: phenomenological combustion simulation
JR Serrano, H Climent, C Guardiola, P Piqueras
Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (1), 150-158, 2009
Packed bed of spherical particles approach for pressure drop prediction in wall-flow DPFs (diesel particulate filters) under soot loading conditions
JR Serrano, FJ Arnau, P Piqueras, Ó García-Afonso
Energy 58, 644-654, 2013
Heat transfer modelling in honeycomb wall-flow diesel particulate filters
J Galindo, JR Serrano, P Piqueras, Ó García-Afonso
Energy 43 (1), 201-213, 2012
Pre-DPF water injection technique for pressure drop control in loaded wall-flow diesel particulate filters
V Bermúdez, JR Serrano, P Piqueras, O García-Afonso
Applied Energy 140, 234-245, 2015
Experimental–theoretical methodology for determination of inertial pressure drop distribution and pore structure properties in wall-flow diesel particulate filters (DPFs)
F Payri, A Broatch, JR Serrano, P Piqueras
Energy 36 (12), 6731-6744, 2011
Description of a semi-independent time discretization methodology for a one-dimensional gas dynamics model
J Galindo, JR Serrano, FJ Arnau, P Piqueras
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 131 (3), 034504, 2009
Solution of the turbocompressor boundary condition for one-dimensional gas-dynamic codes
J Galindo, FJ Arnau, A Tiseira, P Piqueras
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 52 (7-8), 1288-1297, 2010
Development of an integrated virtual engine model to simulate new standard testing cycles
J Martin, F Arnau, P Piqueras, A Auñon
SAE International Journal of Engines 11 (2018-01-1413), 2018
Experimental assessment of pre-turbo aftertreatment configurations in a single stage turbocharged diesel engine. Part 1: steady-state operation
JM Luján, V Bermúdez, P Piqueras, Ó García-Afonso
Energy 80, 599-613, 2015
Analysis of the role of altitude on diesel engine performance and emissions using an atmosphere simulator
V Bermúdez, JR Serrano, P Piqueras, J Gómez, S Bender
International Journal of Engine Research 18 (1-2), 105-117, 2017
Performance of a diesel oxidation catalyst under diesel-gasoline reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion conditions
P Piqueras, A García, J Monsalve-Serrano, MJ Ruiz
Energy Conversion and Management 196, 18-31, 2019
1D gas dynamic modelling of mass conservation in engine duct systems with thermal contact discontinuities
JR Serrano, FJ Arnau, P Piqueras, A Onorati, G Montenegro
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (5-6), 1078-1088, 2009
Description and analysis of a one-dimensional gas-dynamic model with Independent Time Discretization
J Galindo, JR Serrano, FJ Arnau, P Piqueras
ASME 2008 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference …, 2008
Pollutants emission and particle behavior in a pre-turbo aftertreatment light-duty diesel engine
V Bermúdez, JM Luján, P Piqueras, D Campos
Energy 66, 509-522, 2014
Experimental and computational approach to the transient behaviour of wall-flow diesel particulate filters
AJ Torregrosa, JR Serrano, P Piqueras, Ó García-Afonso
Energy 119, 887-900, 2017
Turbine and exhaust ports thermal insulation impact on the engine efficiency and aftertreatment inlet temperature
JM Luján, JR Serrano, P Piqueras, B Diesel
Applied Energy 240, 409-423, 2019
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