Jian-yang Zhou
Jian-yang Zhou
Верификована је имејл адреса на xmu.edu.cn
Enhanced spatial near-infrared modulation of graphene-loaded perfect absorbers using plasmonic nanoslits
Y Cai, J Zhu, QH Liu, T Lin, J Zhou, L Ye, Z Cai
Optics express 23 (25), 32318-32328, 2015
Perfect ultraviolet absorption in graphene using the magnetic resonance of an all-dielectric nanostructure
J Zhou, S Yan, C Li, J Zhu, QH Liu
Optics Express 26 (14), 18155-18163, 2018
Portable tumor biosensing of serum by plasmonic biochips in combination with nanoimprint and microfluidics
J Zhou, F Tao, J Zhu, S Lin, Z Wang, X Wang, JY Ou, Y Li, QH Liu
Nanophotonics 8 (2), 307-316, 2019
Research on NVIDIA deep learning accelerator
G Zhou, J Zhou, H Lin
2018 12th IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security …, 2018
Through-casing hydraulic fracture evaluation by induction logging II: The inversion algorithm and experimental validations
Z Yu, J Zhou, Y Fang, Y Hu, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55 (2), 1189-1198, 2016
Through-casing hydraulic fracture evaluation by induction logging I: An efficient EM solver for fracture detection
Y Fang, J Dai, Z Yu, J Zhou, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55 (2), 1179-1188, 2016
A phaseless inverse source method (PISM) based on near-field scanning for radiation diagnosis and prediction of PCBs
L Wang, Y Zhang, F Han, J Zhou, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 68 (10), 4151-4160, 2020
Highly stable full-color display device with VLC application potential using semipolar μLEDs and all-inorganic encapsulated perovskite nanocrystal
T Wu, Y Lin, YM Huang, M Liu, KJ Singh, W Lin, T Lu, X Zheng, J Zhou, ...
Photonics Research 9 (11), 2132-2143, 2021
Research and analysis of routing algorithms for NoC
Y Xu, J Zhou, S Liu
2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development 2, 98-102, 2011
Spectral element method for band-structure calculations of 3D phononic crystals
L Shi, N Liu, J Zhou, Y Zhou, J Wang, QH Liu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (45), 455102, 2016
Analysis of electromagnetic induction for hydraulic fracture diagnostics in open and cased boreholes
J Dai, Y Fang, J Zhou, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (1), 264-271, 2017
Large-scale uniform silver nanocave array for visible light refractive index sensing using soft UV nanoimprint
J Zhu, Y Bai, L Zhang, Z Song, H Liu, J Zhou, T Lin, QH Liu
IEEE Photonics Journal 8 (4), 1-7, 2016
FPGA implementation of image rotation using modified compensated CORDIC
XG Jiang, JY Zhou, JH Shi, HH Chen
2005 6th International Conference on ASIC 2, 752-756, 2005
A simple implementation of PML for second-order elastic wave equations
M Zhuang, Q Zhan, J Zhou, Z Guo, N Liu, QH Liu
Computer Physics Communications 246, 106867, 2020
Radiation diagnosis of PCBs and ICs using array probes and phaseless inverse source method with a joint regularization
L Wang, Y Zhong, L Chen, Z He, J Zhou, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 70 (2), 1442-1453, 2021
A hybrid CN-FDTD-SPICE solver for field-circuit analyses in low-frequency wideband problems
X Wang, L Wang, J Zhuo, X Lu, M Yuan, J Zhou, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 10 …, 2020
A new estimation method for two-step-only quadrature phase-shifting digital holography
S Zhang, J Zhou
Optics Communications 335, 183-188, 2015
The rotated Cartesian coordinate method to remove the axial singularity of cylindrical coordinates in finite‐difference schemes for elastic and viscoelastic waves
M Zhuang, J Zhou, S Wei, QH Liu
Geophysical Prospecting 66 (S1), 27-39, 2018
Simultaneous fabrication of two kinds of plasmonic crystals by one nanoimprint mold
J Zhu, L Zhang, Y Bai, H Liu, N Feng, J Zhou, B Zeng, T Lin, QH Liu
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29 (6), 504-506, 2017
Transition inversion coding with parity check for off-chip serial transmission
J Zeng, JY Zhou, RB Lin
2014 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2014
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