Thomas Müller
Thomas Müller
Associate Professor for petrology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany)
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Non-equilibrium isotopic and elemental fractionation during diffusion-controlled crystal growth under static and dynamic conditions
EB Watson, T Müller
Chemical Geology 267 (3-4), 111-124, 2009
The Himalaya in 3D: Slab dynamics controlled mountain building and monsoon intensification
AAG Webb, H Guo, PD Clift, L Husson, T Müller, D Costantino, A Yin, Z Xu, ...
Lithosphere 9 (4), 637-651, 2017
Fe–Mg interdiffusion rates in clinopyroxene: experimental data and implications for Fe–Mg exchange geothermometers
T Müller, R Dohmen, HW Becker, JH Ter Heege, S Chakraborty
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 166, 1563-1576, 2013
Transport-controlled hydrothermal replacement of calcite by Mg-carbonates
L Jonas, T Müller, R Dohmen, L Baumgartner, B Putlitz
Geology 43 (9), 779-782, 2015
Metastable prograde mineral reactions in contact aureoles
T Müller, LP Baumgartner, CT Foster, TW Vennemann
Geology 32 (9), 821-824, 2004
Experimental determination of barium isotope fractionation during diffusion and adsorption processes at low temperatures
K van Zuilen, T Müller, TF Nägler, M Dietzel, T Küsters
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 186, 226-241, 2016
A non–plate tectonic model for the Eoarchean Isua supracrustal belt
AAG Webb, T Müller, J Zuo, PJ Haproff, A Ramírez-Salazar
Lithosphere 12 (1), 166-179, 2020
Hydrothermal replacement of biogenic and abiogenic aragonite by Mg-carbonates–Relation between textural control on effective element fluxes and resulting carbonate phase
L Jonas, T Müller, R Dohmen, A Immenhauser, B Putlitz
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 196, 289-306, 2017
Applications of diffusion data to high-temperature earth systems
T Mueller, EB Watson, TM Harrison
Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry 72 (1), 997-1038, 2010
Crystal size distribution of periclase in contact metamorphic dolomite marbles from the southern Adamello Massif, Italy
T Müller, LP Baumgartner, CT Foster Jr, JR Bowman
Journal of Petrology 50 (3), 451-465, 2009
New experimental approach to study aqueous alteration of amorphous silicates at low reaction rates
C Le Guillou, R Dohmen, D Rogalla, T Müller, C Vollmer, HW Becker
Chemical Geology 412, 179-192, 2015
New evidence for the prograde and retrograde PT-path of high-pressure granulites, Moldanubian Zone, Lower Austria, by Zr-in-rutile thermometry and garnet diffusion modelling
P Schantl, C Hauzenberger, F Finger, T Müller, M Linner
Lithos 342, 420-439, 2019
Timescales of exhumation and cooling inferred by kinetic modeling: An example using a lamellar garnet pyroxenite from the Variscan Granulitgebirge, Germany
T Müller, HJ Massonne, AP Willner
American Mineralogist 100 (4), 747-759, 2015
Diffusive fractionation of carbon isotopes in γ-Fe: Experiment, models and implications for early solar system processes
T Mueller, EB Watson, D Trail, M Wiedenbeck, J Van Orman, EH Hauri
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 127, 57-66, 2014
Interdiffusion of divalent cations in carbonates: experimental measurements and implications for timescales of equilibration and retention of compositional signatures
T Müller, D Cherniak, EB Watson
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 84, 90-103, 2012
Forward modeling of the effects of mixed volatile reaction, volume diffusion, and formation of submicroscopic exsolution lamellae on calcite-dolomite thermometry
T Müller, LP Baumgartner, CT Foster Jr, GT Roselle
American Mineralogist 93 (8-9), 1245-1259, 2008
High-magnitude stresses induced by mineral-hydration reactions
O Plümper, D Wallis, F Teuling, E Moulas, SM Schmalholz, H Amiri, ...
Geology 50 (12), 1351-1355, 2022
Tectonics of the Isua Supracrustal Belt 1: P‐T‐X‐d constraints of a poly‐metamorphic terrane
A Ramírez‐Salazar, T Müller, S Piazolo, AAG Webb, C Hauzenberger, ...
Tectonics 40 (3), e2020TC006516, 2021
Tectonics of the Isua supracrustal belt 2: Microstructures reveal distributed strain in the absence of major fault structures
J Zuo, AAG Webb, S Piazolo, Q Wang, T Müller, A Ramírez‐Salazar, ...
Tectonics 40 (3), e2020TC006514, 2021
Skarn classification and element mobility in the Yeshan Iron Deposit, Eastern China: Insight from lithogeochemistry
S Zhao, MJ Brzozowski, T Mueller, L Wang, W Li
Ore Geology Reviews 145, 104909, 2022
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