Magdalena Krol
Magdalena Krol
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Nanoscale zero valent iron and bimetallic particles for contaminated site remediation
D O’Carroll, B Sleep, M Krol, H Boparai, C Kocur
Advances in Water Resources 51, 104-122, 2013
Characterization of nZVI mobility in a field scale test
CM Kocur, AI Chowdhury, N Sakulchaicharoen, HK Boparai, KP Weber, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (5), 2862-2869, 2014
A field-validated model for in situ transport of polymer-stabilized nZVI and implications for subsurface injection
MM Krol, AJ Oleniuk, CM Kocur, BE Sleep, P Bennett, Z Xiong, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (13), 7332-7340, 2013
nZVI injection into variably saturated soils: Field and modeling study
AIA Chowdhury, MM Krol, CM Kocur, HK Boparai, KP Weber, BE Sleep, ...
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 183, 16-28, 2015
Colloid transport in porous media: a review of classical mechanisms and emerging topics
IL Molnar, E Pensini, MA Asad, CA Mitchell, LC Nitsche, LJ Pyrak-Nolte, ...
Transport in Porous Media 130, 129-156, 2019
Multi-dimensional transport modelling of corrosive agents through a bentonite buffer in a Canadian deep geological repository
S Briggs, J McKelvie, B Sleep, M Krol
Science of The Total Environment 599, 348-354, 2017
Diffusion of TCE through soil-bentonite slurry walls
MM Krol, RK Rowe
Soil & Sediment Contamination 13 (1), 81-101, 2004
Modeling discrete gas bubble formation and mobilization during subsurface heating of contaminated zones
MM Krol, KG Mumford, RL Johnson, BE Sleep
Advances in water resources 34 (4), 537-549, 2011
Impact of low‐temperature electrical resistance heating on subsurface flow and transport
MM Krol, BE Sleep, RL Johnson
Water Resources Research 47 (5), 2011
Impact of building thermal load on the developed thermal plumes of a multi-borehole GSHP system in different canadian climates
N Daemi, MM Krol
Renewable Energy 134, 550-557, 2019
An analysis of a mixed convection associated with thermal heating in contaminated porous media
MM Krol, RL Johnson, BE Sleep
Science of the total environment 499, 7-17, 2014
Transport of polymer stabilized nano-scale zero-valent iron in porous media
PK Mondal, PD Furbacher, Z Cui, MM Krol, BE Sleep
Journal of contaminant hydrology 212, 65-77, 2018
Transient modelling of sulphide diffusion under conditions typical of a deep geological repository
S Briggs, J McKelvie, P Keech, B Sleep, M Krol
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 52 (1_suppl), 200-203, 2017
Exploring the governing transport mechanisms of corrosive agents in a Canadian deep geological repository
TL Rashwan, MA Asad, IL Molnar, M Behazin, PG Keech, MM Krol
Science of The Total Environment 828, 153944, 2022
Subsurface transport of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-stabilized nanoscale zero valent iron (nZVI): Numerical and statistical analysis
MA Asad, UT Khan, MM Krol
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 243, 103870, 2021
Electro‐thermal subsurface gas generation and transport: Model validation and implications
IL Molnar, KG Mumford, MM Krol
Water Resources Research 55 (6), 4630-4647, 2019
Geothermal heating: Is it a boon or a bane for bioremediation?
G Kaur, M Krol, SK Brar
Environmental Pollution 287, 117609, 2021
Applicability of ground source heat pumps as a bioremediation-enhancing technology for monoaromatic hydrocarbon contaminants
I Roohidehkordi, MM Krol
Science of The Total Environment 778, 146235, 2021
Novel BTEX-degrading strains from subsurface soil: Isolation, identification and growth evaluation
G Kaur, J Lecka, M Krol, SK Brar
Environmental Pollution 335, 122303, 2023
Investigating bisulfide sorption onto bentonite through laboratory batch experiments
SA Papry, TL Rashwan, PK Mondal, M Behazin, PG Keech, MM Krol
Applied Geochemistry 152, 105626, 2023
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