Magnesium isotope heterogeneity of the isotopic standard SRM980 and new reference materials for magnesium-isotope-ratio measurements A Galy, O Yoffe, PE Janney, RW Williams, C Cloquet, O Alard, L Halicz, ... Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 18 (11), 1352-1356, 2003 | 480 | 2003 |
Carbon and oxygen isotope study of the active water-carbonate system in a karstic Mediterranean cave: Implications for paleoclimate research in semiarid regions M Bar-Matthews, A Ayalon, A Matthews, E Sass, L Halicz Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60 (2), 337-347, 1996 | 398 | 1996 |
The petrogenesis of A-type magmas from the Amram Massif, southern Israel A Mushkin, O Navon, L Halicz, G Hartmann, M Stein Journal of Petrology 44 (5), 815-832, 2003 | 395 | 2003 |
Mg isotopic composition of carbonate: insight from speleothem formation A Galy, M Bar-Matthews, L Halicz, RK O’Nions Earth and Planetary Science Letters 201 (1), 105-115, 2002 | 303 | 2002 |
Tracing the transport of anthropogenic lead in the atmosphere and in soils using isotopic ratios Y Erel, A Veron, L Halicz Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (21), 4495-4505, 1997 | 290 | 1997 |
Experimental study of the copper isotope fractionation between aqueous Cu (II) and covellite, CuS S Ehrlich, I Butler, L Halicz, D Rickard, A Oldroyd, A Matthews Chemical Geology 209 (3-4), 259-269, 2004 | 288 | 2004 |
Distribution of natural and anthropogenic lead in Mediterranean soils N Teutsch, Y Erel, L Halicz, A Banin Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65 (17), 2853-2864, 2001 | 278 | 2001 |
High-precision measurement of magnesium isotopes by multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry A Galy, NS Belshaw, L Halicz, RK O’Nions International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 208 (1-3), 89-98, 2001 | 277 | 2001 |
Paleoclimate and location of the border between Mediterranean climate region and the Saharo–Arabian Desert as revealed by speleothems from the northern Negev Desert, Israel A Vaks, M Bar-Matthews, A Ayalon, A Matthews, A Frumkin, U Dayan, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (3-4), 384-399, 2006 | 264 | 2006 |
Accurate isotope ratio measurements of ytterbium by multiple collection inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry applying erbium and hafnium in an improved double external … I Segal, L Halicz, IT Platzner Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 18 (10), 1217-1223, 2003 | 253 | 2003 |
Copper isotope fractionation in sedimentary copper mineralization (Timna Valley, Israel) D Asael, A Matthews, M Bar-Matthews, L Halicz Chemical Geology 243 (3-4), 238-254, 2007 | 225 | 2007 |
U-Th isotope systematics from the Soreq cave, Israel and climatic correlations A Kaufman, GJ Wasserburg, D Porcelli, M Bar-Matthews, A Ayalon, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 156 (3-4), 141-155, 1998 | 190 | 1998 |
Desert speleothems reveal climatic window for African exodus of early modern humans A Vaks, M Bar-Matthews, A Ayalon, A Matthews, L Halicz, A Frumkin Geology 35 (9), 831-834, 2007 | 189 | 2007 |
Quantitative analysis of silicates using LA-ICP-MS with liquid calibration L Halicz, D Günther Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 19 (12), 1539-1545, 2004 | 173 | 2004 |
High-precision measurement of calcium isotopes in carbonates and related materials by multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) NS Belshaw, R áKeith O'Nions Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 14 (12), 1835-1838, 1999 | 167 | 1999 |
Application of the Walkley–Black titration for the organic carbon quantification in organic rich sedimentary rocks F Gelman, R Binstock, L Halicz Fuel 96, 608-610, 2012 | 161 | 2012 |
Strontium stable isotopes fractionate in the soil environments? L Halicz, I Segal, N Fruchter, M Stein, B Lazar Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (1-2), 406-411, 2008 | 156 | 2008 |
Direct high-precision measurements of the 87 Sr/86 Sr isotope ratio in natural water, carbonates and related materials by multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass … S Ehrlich, I Gavrieli, LB Dor, L Halicz Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 16 (12), 1389-1392, 2001 | 125 | 2001 |
Fluid speciation controls of low temperature copper isotope fractionation applied to the Kupferschiefer and Timna ore deposits D Asael, A Matthews, S Oszczepalski, M Bar-Matthews, L Halicz Chemical Geology 262 (3-4), 147-158, 2009 | 121 | 2009 |
Evaluation of the accuracy of the determination of lead isotope ratios in wine by ICP MS using quadrupole, multicollector magnetic sector and time-of-flight analyzers M Barbaste, L Halicz, A Galy, B Medina, H Emteborg, FC Adams, ... Talanta 54 (2), 307-317, 2001 | 119 | 2001 |