Julie M Jones
Julie M Jones
Верификована је имејл адреса на sheffield.ac.uk
J19. 9
JM Jones, M Widmann
Reconstructing past climate from noisy data.
E Zorita, JM Jones, Y Dimitriev, F González-Rouco, SF Tett
Science (New York, NY) 306 (5696), 679-682, 2004
Reconstructing past climate from noisy data
H Von Storch, E Zorita, JM Jones, Y Dimitriev, F González-Rouco, ...
Science 306 (5696), 679-682, 2004
Assessing recent trends in high-latitude Southern Hemisphere surface climate
J Jones, S Gille, H Goosse, N Abram, P Canziani, D Charman, K Clem, ...
Nature Climate Change 6, 917-926, 2016
The Amundsen Sea low: Variability, change, and impact on Antarctic climate
MN Raphael, GJ Marshall, J Turner, RL Fogt, D Schneider, DA Dixon, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (1), 111-121, 2016
The influence of North Atlantic atmospheric and oceanic forcing effects on 1900–2010 Greenland summer climate and ice melt/runoff
E Hanna, JM Jones, J Cappelen, SH Mernild, L Wood, K Steffen, ...
International Journal of Climatology 33 (4), 862-880, 2013
Historical SAM Variability. Part II: Twentieth-Century Variability and Trends from Reconstructions, Observations, and the IPCC AR4 Models*
RL Fogt, J Perlwitz, AJ Monaghan, DH Bromwich, JM Jones, GJ Marshall
Journal of Climate 22 (20), 5346-5365, 2009
Drivers of North Atlantic polar front jet stream variability
R Hall, R Erdélyi, E Hanna, JM Jones, AA Scaife
International Journal of Climatology 35 (8), 1697-1720, 2015
Antarctic temperatures over the past two centuries from ice cores
DP Schneider, EJ Steig, TD van Ommen, DA Dixon, PA Mayewski, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (16), 2006
Seasonal zonal asymmetries in the Southern Annular Mode and their impact on regional temperature anomalies
RL Fogt, JM Jones, J Renwick
Journal of Climate 25 (18), 6253-6270, 2012
Historical SAM Variability. Part I: Century-Length Seasonal Reconstructions*
JM Jones, RL Fogt, M Widmann, GJ Marshall, PD Jones, M Visbeck
Journal of Climate 22 (20), 5319-5345, 2009
Atmospheric science: Early peak in Antarctic oscillation index
JM Jones, M Widmann
Nature 432 (7015), 290, 2004
Toward integrated historical climate research: the example of Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth
R Allan, G Endfield, V Damodaran, G Adamson, M Hannaford, F Carroll, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 7 (2), 164-174, 2016
Evaluation of the skill and added value of a reanalysis‐driven regional simulation for Alpine temperature
K Prömmel, B Geyer, JM Jones, M Widmann
International Journal of Climatology 30 (5), 760-773, 2010
Instrument-and tree-ring-based estimates of the Antarctic Oscillation
JM Jones, M Widmann
Journal of Climate 16 (21), 3511-3524, 2003
F. González-Rouco, and SFB Tett, 2006: Response to comment on “Reconstructing past climate from noisy data.”
H von Storch, E Zorita, JM Jones, Y Dimitriev
Science 312, 529, 0
Evaluation of the performance of Euro-CORDEX RCMs for assessing hydrological climate change impacts in Great Britain: a comparison of different spatial resolutions and quantile …
E Pasten-Zapata, J Jones, H Moggridge, M Widmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.09043, 2019
Transient simulations, empirical reconstructions and forcing mechanisms for the Mid-Holocene hydrological climate in Southern Patagonia
S Wagner, M Widmann, J Jones, T Haberzettl, A Lücke, C Mayr, ...
Climate Dynamics 29 (4), 333-355, 2007
Drivers and potential predictability of summer time North Atlantic polar front jet variability
RJ Hall, JM Jones, E Hanna, AA Scaife, R Erdélyi
Climate Dynamics 48 (11-12), 3869-3887, 2017
Simple statistical probabilistic forecasts of the winter NAO
RJ Hall, AA Scaife, E Hanna, JM Jones, R Erdélyi
Weather and Forecasting 32 (4), 1585-1601, 2017
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