Lang Tong
Lang Tong
Irwin and Joan Professor in Engineering, Cornell University
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Decentralized cognitive MAC for opportunistic spectrum access in ad hoc networks: A POMDP framework
Q Zhao, L Tong, A Swami, Y Chen
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 25 (3), 589-600, 2007
Blind identification and equalization based on second-order statistics: A time domain approach
L Tong, G Xu, T Kailath
IEEE Transactions on information Theory 40 (2), 340-349, 1994
A least-squares approach to blind channel identification
G Xu, H Liu, L Tong, T Kailath
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 43 (12), 2982-2993, 1995
Indeterminacy and identifiability of blind identification
L Tong, RW Liu, VC Soon, YF Huang
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems 38 (5), 499-509, 1991
Malicious data attacks on the smart grid
O Kosut, L Jia, RJ Thomas, L Tong
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2 (4), 645-658, 2011
Multichannel blind identification: From subspace to maximum likelihood methods
L Tong, S Perreau
Proceedings of the IEEE 86 (10), 1951-1968, 1998
Cognitive radios for dynamic spectrum access-dynamic spectrum access in the time domain: Modeling and exploiting white space
S Geirhofer, L Tong, BM Sadler
IEEE Communications Magazine 45 (5), 66-72, 2007
A new approach to blind identification and equalization of multipath channels
L Tong, G Xu, T Kailath
Conference Record of the Twenty-Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals …, 1991
Pilot-assisted wireless transmissions: general model, design criteria, and signal processing
L Tong, BM Sadler, M Dong
IEEE signal processing magazine 21 (6), 12-25, 2004
The market for electric vehicles: indirect network effects and policy design
S Li, L Tong, J Xing, Y Zhou
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4 (1 …, 2017
Sensor networks with mobile agents
L Tong, Q Zhao, S Adireddy
IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2003. MILCOM 2003. 1, 688-693, 2003
Decentralized cognitive MAC for dynamic spectrum access
Q Zhao, L Tong, A Swami
First IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2005
Opportunistic spectrum access via periodic channel sensing
Q Zhao, S Geirhofer, L Tong, BM Sadler
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (2), 785-796, 2008
AMUSE: a new blind identification algorithm
L Tong, VC Soon, YF Huang, R Liu
IEEE international symposium on circuits and systems, 1784-1787, 1990
Stability and delay of finite-user slotted ALOHA with multipacket reception
V Naware, G Mergen, L Tong
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 51 (7), 2636-2656, 2005
On topology attack of a smart grid: Undetectable attacks and countermeasures
J Kim, L Tong
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (7), 1294-1305, 2013
Channel-aware distributed detection in wireless sensor networks
B Chen, L Tong, PK Varshney
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 23 (4), 16-26, 2006
Optimal placement of training for frequency-selective block-fading channels
S Adireddy, L Tong, H Viswanathan
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48 (8), 2338-2353, 2002
Multipacket reception in random access wireless networks: From signal processing to optimal medium access control
L Tong, Q Zhao, G Mergen
IEEE Communications Magazine 39 (11), 108-112, 2001
Blind channel identification based on second-order statistics: A frequency-domain approach
L Tong, G Xu, B Hassibi, T Kailath
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41 (1), 329-334, 1995
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