Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics): Preface VP Gerdt, W Koepf, EW Mayr, EV Vorozhtsov Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8136, V-VIII-V-VIII, 2013 | 434* | 2013 |
THE EMPATHIC COMPANION: A CHARACTER-BASED INTERFACE THAT ADDRESSES USERS'AFFECTIVE STATES H Prendinger, M Ishizuka Applied artificial intelligence 19 (3-4), 267-285, 2005 | 420 | 2005 |
Life-like characters: tools, affective functions, and applications H Prendinger, M Ishizuka Springer Science & Business Media, 2004 | 359 | 2004 |
Deep learning for affective computing: Text-based emotion recognition in decision support B Kratzwald, S Ilić, M Kraus, S Feuerriegel, H Prendinger Decision support systems 115, 24-35, 2018 | 358 | 2018 |
HILDA: A discourse parser using support vector machine classification H Hernault, H Prendinger, DA du Verle, M Ishizuka Dialogue & Discourse 1 (3), 1-33, 2010 | 321 | 2010 |
Forecasting fault events for predictive maintenance using data-driven techniques and ARMA modeling M Baptista, S Sankararaman, IP de Medeiros, C Nascimento Jr, ... Computers & Industrial Engineering 115, 41-53, 2018 | 289 | 2018 |
Emotion recognition from electromyography and skin conductance A Nakasone, H Prendinger, M Ishizuka Proc. of the 5th international workshop on biosignal interpretation, 219-222, 2005 | 249 | 2005 |
SentiFul: A lexicon for sentiment analysis A Neviarouskaya, H Prendinger, M Ishizuka IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 2 (1), 22-36, 2011 | 244 | 2011 |
Okutama-action: An aerial view video dataset for concurrent human action detection M Barekatain, M Martí, HF Shih, S Murray, K Nakayama, Y Matsuo, ... Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017 | 236 | 2017 |
Textual affect sensing for sociable and expressive online communication A Neviarouskaya, H Prendinger, M Ishizuka Affective computing and intelligent interaction: second international …, 2007 | 217 | 2007 |
Using human physiology to evaluate subtle expressivity of a virtual quizmaster in a mathematical game H Prendinger, J Mori, M Ishizuka International journal of human-computer studies 62 (2), 231-245, 2005 | 215 | 2005 |
Communicating emotions in online chat using physiological sensors and animated text H Wang, H Prendinger, T Igarashi CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1171-1174, 2004 | 189 | 2004 |
Social role awareness in animated agents H Prendinger, M Ishizuka Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Autonomous agents, 270-277, 2001 | 179 | 2001 |
Affect analysis model: novel rule-based approach to affect sensing from text A Neviarouskaya, H Prendinger, M Ishizuka Natural Language Engineering 17 (1), 95-135, 2011 | 147 | 2011 |
Recognition of affect, judgment, and appreciation in text A Neviarouskaya, H Prendinger, M Ishizuka Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on computational …, 2010 | 147 | 2010 |
Prediction of dengue outbreaks based on disease surveillance, meteorological and socio-economic data R Jain, S Sontisirikit, S Iamsirithaworn, H Prendinger BMC infectious diseases 19, 1-16, 2019 | 137 | 2019 |
Emotion estimation and reasoning based on affective textual interaction C Ma, H Prendinger, M Ishizuka Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: First International …, 2005 | 136 | 2005 |
Remaining useful life estimation in aeronautics: Combining data-driven and Kalman filtering M Baptista, EMP Henriques, IP de Medeiros, JP Malere, ... Reliability Engineering & System Safety 184, 228-239, 2019 | 126 | 2019 |
News-based trading strategies S Feuerriegel, H Prendinger Decision Support Systems 90, 65-74, 2016 | 121 | 2016 |
Sentiful: Generating a reliable lexicon for sentiment analysis A Neviarouskaya, H Prendinger, M Ishizuka 2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent …, 2009 | 120 | 2009 |