Daniel M. Dauer
Daniel M. Dauer
Dept. Biol. Sci. Old Dominion University
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An estuarine benthic index of biotic integrity (B-IBI) for Chesapeake Bay
SB Weisberg, JA Ranasinghe, DM Dauer, LC Schaffner, RJ Diaz, ...
Estuaries 20, 149-158, 1997
Overview of integrative tools and methods in assessing ecological integrity in estuarine and coastal systems worldwide
A Borja, SB Bricker, DM Dauer, NT Demetriades, JG Ferreira, AT Forbes, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 56 (9), 1519-1537, 2008
Biological criteria, environmental health and estuarine macrobenthic community structure
DM Dauer
Marine Pollution Bulletin 26 (5), 249-257, 1993
Medium-and long-term recovery of estuarine and coastal ecosystems: patterns, rates and restoration effectiveness
Á Borja, DM Dauer, M Elliott, CA Simenstad
Estuaries and Coasts 33, 1249-1260, 2010
Assessing the environmental quality status in estuarine and coastal systems: comparing methodologies and indices
A Borja, DM Dauer
Ecological indicators 8 (4), 331-337, 2008
Feeding behavior and general ecology of several spionid polychaetes from the Chesapeake Bay
DM Dauer, CA Maybury, RM Ewing
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 54 (1), 21-38, 1981
Relationships between benthic community condition, water quality, sediment quality, nutrient loads, and land use patterns in Chesapeake Bay
DM Dauer, JA Ranasinghe, SB Weisberg
Estuaries 23 (1), 80-96, 2000
The importance of setting targets and reference conditions in assessing marine ecosystem quality
Á Borja, DM Dauer, A Grémare
Ecological Indicators 12 (1), 1-7, 2012
Effects of low dissolved oxygen events on the macrobenthos of the lower Chesapeake Bay
DM Dauer, AJ Rodi, JA Ranasinghe
Estuaries 15, 384-391, 1992
Assessing estuarine benthic quality conditions in Chesapeake Bay: a comparison of three indices
A Borja, DM Dauer, R Diaz, RJ Llansó, I Muxika, JG Rodríguez, ...
Ecological Indicators 8 (4), 395-403, 2008
Abundance biomass comparison (ABC method): effects of an estuarine gradient, anoxic/hypoxic events and contaminated sediments
DM Dauer, MW Luckenbach, AJ Rodi
Marine Biology 116, 507-518, 1993
Effects of moderate sewage input on benthic polychaete populations
DM Dauer, WG Conner
Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 10 (3), 335-346, 1980
Seasonal and spatial patterns of distribution of subtidal benthic invertebrate communities in the Mondego River, Portugal—a poikilohaline estuary
P Chainho, JL Costa, ML Chaves, MF Lane, DM Dauer, MJ Costa
Marine Biodiversity: Patterns and Processes, Assessment, Threats, Management …, 2006
Influence of seasonal variability in benthic invertebrate community structure on the use of biotic indices to assess the ecological status of a Portuguese estuary
P Chainho, JL Costa, ML Chaves, DM Dauer, MJ Costa
Marine Pollution Bulletin 54 (10), 1586-1597, 2007
Functional morphology and feeding behavior of Scolelepis squamata (Polychaeta: Spionidae)
DM Dauer
Marine Biology 77 (3), 279-285, 1983
Effects of tributyltin pollution on the mud snail, Ilyanassa obsoleta, from the York River and Sarah Creek, Chesapeake Bay
GW Bryan, PE Gibbs, RJ Huggett, LA Curtis, DS Bailey, DM Dauer
Marine Pollution Bulletin 20 (9), 458-462, 1989
Broad-scale effects of hypoxia on benthic community structure in Chesapeake Bay, USA
RD Seitz, DM Dauer, RJ Llansó, WC Long
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 381, S4-S12, 2009
Repopulation of the polychaete fauna of an intertidal habitat following natural defaunation: species equilibrium
DM Dauer, JL Simon
Oecologia 22, 99-117, 1976
An estuarine benthic index of biotic integrity for the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. I. Classification of assemblages and habitat definition
RJ Llansó, LC Scott, DM Dauer, JL Hyland, DE Russell
Estuaries 25, 1219-1230, 2002
Reestablishment of a benthic community following natural defaunation
JL Simons
Ecology of marine benthos, 139-154, 1977
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