Suzana Paula Gomes Fernando da Silva Lampreia
Suzana Paula Gomes Fernando da Silva Lampreia
CINAV (Centro de Investigação Naval), Portuguese Naval Academy
Верификована је имејл адреса на marinha.pt
Condition monitoring based on modified CUSUM and EWMA control charts
SPGFS Lampreia, JFG Requeijo, JAM Dias, VM Vairinhos, PIS Barbosa
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 24 (1), 119-132, 2018
A statistical state analysis of a marine gas turbine
S Lampreia, V Vairinhos, V Lobo, J Requeijo
Actuators 8 (3), 54, 2019
T2 charts applied to mechanical equipment condition control
SS Lampreia, JG Requeijo, JM Dias, V Vairinhos
2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems …, 2012
An approach to ship equipment maintenance management
S Lampreia, T Morgado, H Navas, R Cabrita, J Requeijo
International Conference Innovation in Engineering, 441-450, 2021
Vibration analysis based on HJ-biplots
V Vairinhos, R Parreira, S Lampreia, V Lobo, P Galindo
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 9 (2), 2018
Modeling the waste management in NRP ships
J Rebelo, J Jerónimo, M Teodoro, S Lampreia
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Sustainability. Proceedings of Regional Helix …, 2019
Equipment condition monitoring with an application of mewma control charts and others charts
S Lampreia, J Requeijo, J Dias, V Vairinhos
11th international conference on vibration problems, Lisboa 191, 2013
Preliminary reflexion about waste management plan in NRP ships
JB Rebelo, JS Jerónimo, MF Teodoro, SP Lampreia
AIP Conference Proceedings 2186 (1), 2019
Analysis of an equipment condition by Q & multivariate Q control charts
S Lampreia, J Requeijo
Proceedings of the 14th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical …, 2012
Controlo de condiçao de equipamentos mecânicos por análise de vibraçoes com dados auto correlacionados,(Control provided by mechanical vibration analysis with autocorrelated data)
J Requeijo, S Lampreia, P Barbosa, J Dias, V Vairinhos
Riscos, Segurança e Fiabilidade, 483-497, 2012
Manutenção condicionada baseada na aplicação de cartas controlo EWMA
S Lampreia, P Barbosa, J Requeijo
Congresso Ibérico de Jovens Engenheiros-CIJE2012. Braga, 2012
Waste management and embarked staff
MF Teodoro, JB Rebelo, S Lampreia
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 492-503, 2020
Ships on condition data driven maintenance management
S Lampreia, V Lobo, V Vairinhos, JG Requeijo
Progress in Maritime Technology and Engineering, 475-480, 2018
Vibrations detection and analysis in equipments with MCUSUM charts and frequencies graphs
S Lampreia, J Requeijo, J Dias, V Vairinhos
Recent Advances in Integrity-Reliability-Failure, Editores: JF Silva Gomes …, 2013
Development of a computerized maintenance management model of a laboratory testing service enterprise
T Morgado, A Pinto, H Navas, S Lampreia
International Conference Innovation in Engineering, 335-346, 2021
Development of a maintenance management model based on continuous improvement
T Morgado, M Carvalho, H Navas, S Lampreia
Proceedings IRF2020: 7th international conference integrity-reliability …, 2020
Opportunistic Maintenance Based on CUSUM Control Charts
SPGFS Lampreia, VM Vairinhos, VJAS Lobo, R Parreira, JG Requeijo
Maritime Technology and Engineering 3,, 853-857, 2016
Control Charts Limits Flexibility Based on the Equipment Conditions
S Lampreia, V Vairinhos, V Lobo, R Parreira, JG Requeijo
Maritime Technology and Engineering 3,, 847-852, 2016
Modeling waste management and boarded personnel KAP
MF Teodoro, JB Rebelo, S Lampreia
International Conference Innovation in Engineering, 257-270, 2021
Diesel Engines Vibration Analysis Monitoring
S Lampreia, V Vairinhos, V Lobo
International Conference on Vibration Problems, 1043-1056, 2019
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