Chitosan coating effect on storability and quality of fresh strawberries A El Ghaouth, J Arul, R Ponnampalam, M Boulet Journal of food science 56 (6), 1618-1620, 1991 | 848 | 1991 |
Antifungal activity of chitosan on two postharvest pathogens of strawberry fruits. A El Ghaouth, J Arul, J Grenier, A Asselin Phytopathology 82 (4), 398-402, 1992 | 778 | 1992 |
Chitosan coating to extend the storage life of tomatoes A El Ghaouth, R Ponnampalam, F Castaigne, J Arul HortScience 27 (9), 1016-1018, 1992 | 518 | 1992 |
Chitosan Treatment of Wheat Seeds Induces Resistance to Fusarium graminearum and Improves Seed Quality MV Bhaskara Reddy, J Arul, P Angers, L Couture Journal of Agricultural and Food chemistry 47 (3), 1208-1216, 1999 | 486 | 1999 |
Suitability of plastic films for modified atmosphere packaging of fruits and vegetables A Exama, J Arul, RW Lencki, LZ Lee, C Toupin Journal of Food Science 58 (6), 1365-1370, 1993 | 459 | 1993 |
Intrinsic viscosity–molecular weight relationship for chitosan MR Kasaai, J Arul, G Charlet Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 38 (19), 2591-2598, 2000 | 427 | 2000 |
Antifungal activity of chitosan on post-harvest pathogens: induction of morphological and cytological alterations in Rhizopus stolonifer A El Ghaouth, J Arul, A Asselin, N Benhamou Mycological research 96 (9), 769-779, 1992 | 427 | 1992 |
Use of chitosan coating to reduce water loss and maintain quality of cucumber and bell pepper fruits A El Ghaouth, J Arul, R Ponnampalam, M Boulet Journal of food processing and preservation 15 (5), 359-368, 1991 | 349 | 1991 |
Effect of pre-harvest chitosan sprays on post-harvest infection by Botrytis cinerea and quality of strawberry fruit MVB Reddy, K Belkacemi, R Corcuff, F Castaigne, J Arul Postharvest Biology and Technology 20 (1), 39-51, 2000 | 302 | 2000 |
Suppression of Pythium aphanidermatum and induction of defense reactions JA El-Ghaouth, J Grenier, N Benhamou Phytopathology 84, 313-320, 1994 | 292 | 1994 |
Effect of photochemical treatment in the preservation of fresh tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Capello) by delaying senescence R Maharaj, J Arul, P Nadeau Postharvest Biology and Technology 15 (1), 13-23, 1999 | 276 | 1999 |
Impact of UV-C irradiation on the cell wall-degrading enzymes during ripening of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) fruit EA Barka, S Kalantari, J Makhlouf, J Arul Journal of Agricultural and Food chemistry 48 (3), 667-671, 2000 | 264 | 2000 |
Characterization and use of essential oil from Thymus vulgaris against Botrytis cinerea and Rhizopus stolonifer in strawberry fruits MVB Reddy, P Angers, A Gosselin, J Arul Phytochemistry 47 (8), 1515-1520, 1998 | 259 | 1998 |
Photochemical treatment to improve storability of fresh strawberries M Baka, J Mercier, R Corcuff, F Castaigne, J Arul Journal of food science 64 (6), 1068-1072, 1999 | 239 | 1999 |
Comparative evaluation of the effect of storage temperature fluctuation on modified atmosphere packages of selected fruit and vegetables K Tano, MK Oulé, G Doyon, RW Lencki, J Arul Postharvest biology and technology 46 (3), 212-221, 2007 | 227 | 2007 |
Foliar application of calcium chloride delays postharvest ripening of strawberry F Cheour, C Willemot, J Arul, Y Desjardins, J Makhlouf, PM Charest, ... Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 115 (5), 789-792, 1990 | 193 | 1990 |
Biochemical and cytochemical aspects of the interactions of chitosan and Botrytis cinerea in bell pepper fruit A El Ghaouth, J Arul, C Wilson, N Benhamou Postharvest Biology and Technology 12 (2), 183-194, 1997 | 191 | 1997 |
Shortwave ultraviolet irradiation for control of decay caused by Botrytis cinerea in bell pepper: induced resistance and germicidal effects J Mercier, M Baka, B Reddy, R Corcuff, J Arul Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 126 (1), 128-133, 2001 | 175 | 2001 |
Physiological basis of UV-C induced resistance to Botrytis cinerea in tomato fruit. V. Constitutive defence enzymes and inducible pathogenesis-related proteins MT Charles, K Tano, A Asselin, J Arul Postharvest Biology and Technology 51 (3), 414-424, 2009 | 171 | 2009 |
Phase transition in potato starch–water system I. Starch gelatinization at high moisture level Q Liu, G Charlet, S Yelle, J Arul Food Research International 35 (4), 397-407, 2002 | 152 | 2002 |