Farnis B. Boneka
Farnis B. Boneka
Professor of Marine Science, Sam Ratulangi University
Верификована је имејл адреса на unsrat.ac.id
Underwater bipedal locomotion by octopuses in disguise
CL Huffard, F Boneka, RJ Full
Science 307 (5717), 1927-1927, 2005
Mating behavior of Abdopus aculeatus (d’Orbigny 1834) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in the wild
CL Huffard, RL Caldwell, F Boneka
Marine biology 154, 353-362, 2008
Male-male and male-female aggression may influence mating associations in wild octopuses (Abdopus aculeatus).
CL Huffard, RL Caldwell, F Boneka
Journal of comparative psychology 124 (1), 38, 2010
Biodiversitas kerang oyster (mollusca, bivalvia) di daerah intertidal Halmahera Barat, Maluku Utara
PF Silulu, FB Boneka, GF Mamangkey
Jurnal Ilmiah Platax 1 (2), 67-73, 2013
Gurita (Cephalopoda) dari perairan Sangihe, Sulawesi Utara
CP Paruntu, FB Boneka, SL Talare
Ekoton 9 (2), 13-27, 2009
More non-native fish species than natives, and an invasion of Malawi cichlids, in ancient Lake Poso, Sulawesi, Indonesia
F Herder, J Möhring, JM Flury, IV Utama, L Wantania, D Wowor, ...
Aquatic Invasions 17 (1), 72-91, 2022
Identifikasi morfologi dan keanekaragaman kepiting pada timbunan berbatu di Pantai Pesisir Malalayang Dua Kota Manado
F Amin, DSJ Paransa, M Ompi, DMH Mantiri, FB Boneka, O Kalesaran
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis 9 (3), 123-132, 2021
Jenis-jenis ikan di padang lamun pantai Tongkaina
JD Assa, BT Wagey, FB Boneka
Jurnal pesisir dan laut tropis 3 (2), 53-61, 2015
Coexistence of Littoraria scabra and Littoraria pallescens (Gastropoda, Littorinidae) in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia
FB Boneka
Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 13, 147-151, 1994
Struktur komunitas ekosistem mangrove dan kepiting bakau di Desa Lamanggo dan Desa Tope, Kecamatan Biaro, Kabupaten Kepulauan Siau, Tagulandang, Biaro
R Jacobs, J Kusen, C Sondak, F Boneka, V Warouw, W Mingkid
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis 7 (1), 20-28, 2019
Management of scad fisheries (Decapterus spp.) in Sulawesi Sea Waters, North Sulawesi Province, using EAFM
DM Puansalaing, J Budiman, FB Boneka, DM Makapedua, MT Lasut, ...
JASM 9 (1), 7-16, 2021
Pengantar Ekologi Laut
FB Boneka
Press UNSRAT, 2013
Tributyltin (TBT) contamination and impacts on imposex in Thalessa aculeata (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Muricidae) in Minahasa Peninsula coastal waters, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
ND Rumampuk, IF Rumengan, RM Rompas, SL Undap, FB Boneka, ...
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 11 (1), 184-193, 2018
Kelimpahan, Distribusi, Dan Keragamannudibranchia Di Nudifall Dan Nudiretreat Selat Lembeh, Sulawesi Utara
POM Ompi, FB Boneka, M Ompi, JS Rimper, KA Roeroe, AD Kambey
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis 7 (2), 113-120, 2019
Phytochemical screening, antioxidant and antibacterial tests on red algae, Halymenia durvillaei, and phycoerythrin pigments
DMH Mantiri, RC Kepel, FB Boneka, DA Sumilat
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 14 (6), 3358-3365, 2021
Ecological suitability of mangrove tourism in Mantehage Island as the outermost small island in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
ET Opa, RC Kepel, R Lasabuda, JD Kusen, CP Paruntu, R Djamaluddin, ...
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 14 (1), 120-129, 2021
Estimasi Karbon Vegetasi Mangrove di Kelurahan Pintu Kota Kecamatan Lembeh Utara Kota Bitung
GM Tiolong, AP Rumengan, CFA Sondak, FB Boneka, NG Mamangkey, ...
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis 7 (2), 98-103, 2019
Lokasi Bertelur Penyu di Pantai Timur Kabupaten Minahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
P Kasenda, FB Boneka, BT Wagey
Jurnal Pesisir Dan Laut Tropis 1 (2), 58-62, 2013
Status of marine biodiversity and community perception on marine conservation in Mantehage Island, Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
BT Wagey, FB Boneka, R Mantiri
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 13 (6), 3830-3839, 2020
Marine Waste Analysis And Abundance of gastropods In Mangrove Ecosystem Tongkaina, North Sulawesi
MA Djohar, FB Boneka, JNW Schaduw, SV Mandagi, KA Roeroe, ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Platax 8 (1), 15-23, 2020
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