Stephen Mangi
Stephen Mangi
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Spillover of exploitable fishes from a marine park and its effect on the adjacent fishery
TR McClanahan, S Mangi
Ecological applications 10 (6), 1792-1805, 2000
Economic valuation for the conservation of marine biodiversity
NJ Beaumont, MC Austen, SC Mangi, M Townsend
Marine pollution bulletin 56 (3), 386-396, 2008
Aquatic food security: insights into challenges and solutions from an analysis of interactions between fisheries, aquaculture, food safety, human health, fish and human welfare …
S Jennings, GD Stentiford, AM Leocadio, KR Jeffery, JD Metcalfe, ...
Fish and Fisheries 17 (4), 893-938, 2016
Gear‐based management of a tropical artisanal fishery based on species selectivity and capture size
TR McClanahan, SC Mangi
Fisheries Management and Ecology 11 (1), 51-60, 2004
Coral and algal changes after the 1998 coral bleaching: interaction with reef management and herbivores on Kenyan reefs
T McClanahan, N Muthiga, S Mangi
Coral reefs 19, 380-391, 2001
Quantifying the environmental impacts of artisanal fishing gear on Kenya’s coral reef ecosystems
SC Mangi, CM Roberts
Marine pollution bulletin 52 (12), 1646-1660, 2006
Reef fisheries management in Kenya: Preliminary approach using the driver–pressure–state–impacts–response (DPSIR) scheme of indicators
SC Mangi, CM Roberts, LD Rodwell
Ocean & Coastal Management 50 (5-6), 463-480, 2007
Electronic monitoring in fisheries: lessons from global experiences and future opportunities
ATM van Helmond, LO Mortensen, KS Plet‐Hansen, C Ulrich, CL Needle, ...
Fish and Fisheries 21 (1), 162-189, 2020
The effect of a closed area and beach seine exclusion on coral reef fish catches
TR McClanahan, S Mangi
Fisheries Management and Ecology 8 (2), 107-121, 2001
The potential of offshore windfarms to act as marine protected areas–A systematic review of current evidence
MC Ashley, SC Mangi, LD Rodwell
Marine Policy 45, 301-309, 2014
Perceptions of stakeholders towards objectives and zoning of marine-protected areas in southern Europe
SC Mangi, MC Austen
Journal for Nature Conservation 16 (4), 271-280, 2008
Approaches to fully documented fisheries: practical issues and stakeholder perceptions
SC Mangi, PJ Dolder, TL Catchpole, D Rodmell, N de Rozarieux
Fish and Fisheries 16 (3), 426-452, 2015
Valuing recreational benefits of coral reefs: The case of Mombasa Marine National Park and Reserve, Kenya
KP Ransom, SC Mangi
Environmental management 45, 145-154, 2010
Economic values from ecosystems
IJ Bateman, D Abson, N Beaumont, A Darnell, C Fezzi, N Hanley, ...
The UK national ecosystem assessment technical report, 2011
The challenges of the landing obligation in EU fisheries
TL Catchpole, A Ribeiro-Santos, SC Mangi, C Hedley, TS Gray
Marine Policy 82, 76-86, 2017
Social impacts of a temperate fisheries closure: understanding stakeholders' views
CE Hattam, SC Mangi, SC Gall, LD Rodwell
Marine Policy 45, 269-278, 2014
A thematic cost-benefit analysis of a marine protected area
SE Rees, MJ Attrill, MC Austen, SC Mangi, LD Rodwell
Journal of Environmental Management 114, 476-485, 2013
The socio-economic effects of a Marine Protected Area on the ecosystem service of leisure and recreation
SE Rees, SC Mangi, C Hattam, SC Gall, LD Rodwell, FJ Peckett, MJ Attrill
Marine Policy 62, 144-152, 2015
Assessing the impacts of establishing MPAs on fishermen and fish merchants: the case of Lyme Bay, UK
SC Mangi, LD Rodwell, C Hattam
Ambio 40, 457-468, 2011
The impact of offshore wind farms on marine ecosystems: a review taking an ecosystem services perspective
SC Mangi
Proceedings of the IEEE 101 (4), 999-1009, 2013
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