Erik Burger
Erik Burger
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The Palladio Component Model
R Reussner, S Becker, E Burger, J Happe, M Hauck, A Koziolek, ...
KIT, Fakultät für Informatik, 2011
A feature-based survey of model view approaches
H Bruneliere, E Burger, J Cabot, M Wimmer
Software & Systems Modeling 18, 1931-1952, 2019
View-centric engineering with synchronized heterogeneous models
ME Kramer, E Burger, M Langhammer
Proceedings of the 1st workshop on view-based, aspect-oriented and …, 2013
View-based model-driven software development with ModelJoin
E Burger, J Henss, M Küster, S Kruse, L Happe
Software & Systems Modeling 15, 473-496, 2016
Towards a tool-oriented taxonomy of view-based modelling
T Goldschmidt, S Becker, E Burger
Modellierung 2012, 59-74, 2012
Enabling consistency in view-based system development—the vitruvius approach
H Klare, ME Kramer, M Langhammer, D Werle, E Burger, R Reussner
Journal of Systems and Software 171, 110815, 2021
Flexible views for view-based model-driven development
EJ Burger
Proceedings of the 18th international doctoral symposium on Components and …, 2013
An empirical study on the current and future challenges of automotive software release and configuration management
H Guissouma, H Klare, E Sax, E Burger
2018 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2018
Change propagation and bidirectionality in internal transformation DSLs
G Hinkel, E Burger
Software & Systems Modeling 18, 249-278, 2019
Flexible views for view-based model-driven development
E Burger
KIT Scientific Publishing, 2014
A change metamodel for the evolution of MOF-based metamodels
E Burger, B Gruschko
Modellierung 2010, 285-300, 2010
An empirical study on the perception of metamodel quality
G Hinkel, M Kramer, E Burger, M Strittmatter, L Happe
2016 4th International conference on model-driven engineering and software …, 2016
Change-driven consistency for component code, architectural models, and contracts
ME Kramer, M Langhammer, D Messinger, S Seifermann, E Burger
Proceedings of the 18th international acm sigsoft symposium on component …, 2015
Using internal domain-specific languages to inherit tool support and modularity for model transformations
G Hinkel, T Goldschmidt, E Burger, R Reussner
Software & Systems Modeling 18, 129-155, 2019
Single Underlying Models for Projectional, Multi-View Environments
J Meier, H Klare, C Tunjic, C Atkinson, E Burger, R Reussner, A Winter
7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2019
Classifying approaches for constructing single underlying models
J Meier, C Werner, H Klare, C Tunjic, U Aßmann, C Atkinson, E Burger, ...
International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2019
View-based and Model-driven Outage Management for the Smart Grid.
E Burger, V Mittelbach, A Koziolek
Models@ run. time, 1-8, 2016
Flexible views for rapid model-driven development
E Burger
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on View-based, Aspect-oriented and …, 2013
Variants and versions management for models with integrated consistency preservation
S Ananieva, H Klare, E Burger, R Reussner
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of …, 2018
A Categorization of Interoperability Issues in Networks of Transformations.
H Klare, T Syma, E Burger, RH Reussner
J. Object Technol. 18 (3), 4:1-20, 2019
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