Dr. Petros Aristidou
Active Management of Low-Voltage Networks for Mitigating Overvoltages due to Photovoltaic Units
F Olivier, P Aristidou, D Ernst, T Van Cutsem
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2015
Understanding small-signal stability of low-inertia systems
U Markovic, O Stanojev, P Aristidou, E Vrettos, D Callaway, G Hug
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (5), 3997-4017, 2021
Stochastic unit commitment in low-inertia grids
M Paturet, U Markovic, S Delikaraoglou, E Vrettos, P Aristidou, G Hug
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (5), 3448-3458, 2020
LQR-based adaptive virtual synchronous machine for power systems with high inverter penetration
U Markovic, Z Chu, P Aristidou, G Hug
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 10 (3), 1501-1512, 2018
Data-driven local control design for active distribution grids using off-line optimal power flow and machine learning techniques
S Karagiannopoulos, P Aristidou, G Hug
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (6), 6461-6471, 2019
Dynamic simulation of large-scale power systems using a parallel Schur-complement-based decomposition method
P Aristidou, D Fabozzi, T Van Cutsem
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (10), 2561-2570, 2014
Online estimation of power system inertia using dynamic regressor extension and mixing
J Schiffer, P Aristidou, R Ortega
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (6), 4993-5001, 2019
Contribution of distribution network control to voltage stability: A case study
P Aristidou, G Valverde, T Van Cutsem
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (1), 106-116, 2015
Droop vs. virtual inertia: Comparison from the perspective of converter operation mode
R Ofir, U Markovic, P Aristidou, G Hug
2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 1-6, 2018
Co-simulation of Electromagnetic Transients and Phasor Models: a Relaxation Approach
F Plumier, P Aristidou, C Geuzaine, T Van Cutsem
IEEE, 2016
Contribution to bulk system control and stability by distributed energy resources connected at distribution network
N Hatziargyriou, T Van Cutsem, J Milanović, P Pourbeik, C Vournas, ...
IEEE, 2017
MPC-based fast frequency control of voltage source converters in low-inertia power systems
O Stanojev, U Markovic, P Aristidou, G Hug, D Callaway, E Vrettos
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (4), 3209-3220, 2020
Power system dynamic simulations using a parallel two-level schur-complement decomposition
P Aristidou, S Lebeau, T Van Cutsem
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (5), 3984-3995, 2015
Partial grid forming concept for 100% inverter-based transmission systems
U Markovic, O Stanojev, P Aristidou, G Hug
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2018
Hybrid approach for planning and operating active distribution grids
S Karagiannopoulos, P Aristidou, G Hug
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (3), 685-695, 2017
Passive, semi-active, active and hybrid mass dampers: A literature review with associated applications on building-like structures
L Koutsoloukas, N Nikitas, P Aristidou
Developments in the Built Environment 12, 100094, 2022
Active distribution grids providing voltage support: The swiss case
S Karagiannopoulos, C Mylonas, P Aristidou, G Hug
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (1), 268-278, 2020
Stability analysis of converter control modes in low-inertia power systems
U Markovic, J Vorwerk, P Aristidou, G Hug
2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2018
Active distribution grids offering ancillary services in islanded and grid-connected mode
S Karagiannopoulos, J Gallmann, MG Vayá, P Aristidou, G Hug
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (1), 623-633, 2019
A stochastic-robust approach for resilient microgrid investment planning under static and transient islanding security constraints
AM Nakiganda, S Dehghan, U Markovic, G Hug, P Aristidou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (3), 1774-1788, 2022
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