LAPEBIE Emmanuel
LAPEBIE Emmanuel
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Diffuse interface model for high speed cavitating underwater systems
F Petitpas, J Massoni, R Saurel, E Lapebie, L Munier
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (8), 747-759, 2009
Preliminary study of ballistic impact on an industrial tank: Projectile velocity decay
N Lecysyn, A Dandrieux, F Heymes, P Slangen, L Munier, E Lapebie, ...
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 21 (6), 627-634, 2008
Experimental investigation of blast wave propagation in an urban environment
C Fouchier, D Laboureur, L Youinou, E Lapebie, JM Buchlin
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 49, 248-265, 2017
Reprint of: Multiscale multiphase modeling of detonations in condensed energetic materials
R Saurel, F Fraysse, D Furfaro, E Lapebie
Computers & Fluids 169, 213-229, 2018
Symmetric model of compressible granular mixtures with permeable interfaces
R Saurel, S Le Martelot, R Tosello, E Lapébie
Physics of Fluids 26 (12), 2014
BLEVE overpressure: multiscale comparison of blast wave modeling
D Laboureur, F Heymes, E Lapebie, JM Buchlin, P Rambaud
Process Safety Progress 33 (3), 274-284, 2014
Liquid jet generation and break-up
C Baranger, G Baudin, L Boudin, B Després, F Lagoutière, E Lapébie, ...
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic and Kinetic Equations, S. Cordier, Th …, 2005
Modelling spherical explosions with turbulent mixing and post-detonation
R Saurel, G Huber, G Jourdan, E Lapébie, L Munier
Physics of Fluids 24 (11), 2012
Riemann solver with internal reconstruction (RSIR) for compressible single-phase and non-equilibrium two-phase flows
Q Carmouze, R Saurel, A Chiapolino, E Lapebie
Journal of Computational Physics 408, 109176, 2020
On the effects of a triple aggression (fragment, blast, fireball) on an LPG storage
F Heymes, L Aprin, P Slangen, E Lapebie, A Osmont, G Dusserre
Chemical Engineering Transactions 36, 355-360, 2014
Near field atmospheric dispersion modelling on an industrial site using neural networks
P Lauret, F Heymes, L Aprin, A Johannet, L Munier, E Lapébie
Chem. Eng. Trans 31, 151-156, 2013
The challenge of critical infrastructure dependency modelling and simulation for emergency management and decision making by the civil security authorities
G Amélie, B Aurélia, L Emmanuel, E Mohamed, D Gilles
Critical Information Infrastructures Security: 10th International Conference …, 2016
Modeling blast waves, gas and particles dispersion in urban and hilly ground areas
S Hank, R Saurel, O Le Metayer, E Lapébie
Journal of hazardous materials 280, 436-449, 2014
Atmospheric turbulent dispersion modeling methods using machine learning tools
P Lauret, F Heymes, L Aprin, A Johannet, G Dusserre, E Lapebie, ...
Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2014
Analysis of 3D interaction of a blast wave with a finite wall
A Gautier, I Sochet, E Lapebie
Shock Waves 32 (3), 273-282, 2022
Development of a GIS-based approach for the vulnerability assessment of a territory exposed to a potential risk
J Tixier, F Tena-Chollet, G Dusserre, E Lapébie, L Munier, A Osmont
Land Use Planning and Risk-Informed Decision Making, 73, 2014
An experimental study on vapor cloud explosion of propane-oxygen stoichiometric mixture
F Heymes, L Aprin, P Slangen, P Lauret, E Lapébie, A Osmont
Chemical Engineering Transactions 53, 61-66, 2016
Interdependencies between industrial infrastructures: territorial vulnerability assessment
B Rey, J Tixier, A Bony-Dandrieux, G Dusserre, L Munier, E Labepie
Chemical Engineering Transactions 31, 61-66, 2013
Overpressure wave interaction with droplets: time resolved measurements by laser shadowscopy
P Slangen, L Aprin, F Heymes, L Munier, E Lapébie, G Dusserre
Speckle 2012: V International Conference on Speckle Metrology 8413, 232-237, 2012
Shock wave propagation in an obstructed area
A Gautier, I Sochet, E Lapebie, A Boubrit
Wit Trans. Built Environ 198, 15-27, 2020
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