Carlos Rafael Borges Mendes
Carlos Rafael Borges Mendes
Adjunct Professor, Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil
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Adaptations of microphytobenthos assemblages to sediment type and tidal position
B Jesus, V Brotas, L Ribeiro, CR Mendes, P Cartaxana, DM Paterson
Continental Shelf Research 29 (13), 1624-1634, 2009
Shifts in the dominance between diatoms and cryptophytes during three late summers in the Bransfield Strait (Antarctic Peninsula)
CRB Mendes, VM Tavano, MC Leal, MS de Souza, V Brotas, CAE Garcia
Polar Biology 36, 537-547, 2013
HPLC determination of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos pigments: comparing resolution and sensitivity of a C18 and a C8 method
CR Mendes, P Cartaxana, V Brotas
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 5 (10), 363-370, 2007
Dynamics of phytoplankton communities during late summer around the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula
Deep-sea research. Part 1. Oceanographic research papers 65, 1-14, 2012
New insights on the dominance of cryptophytes in Antarctic coastal waters: a case study in Gerlache Strait
CRB Mendes, VM Tavano, TS Dotto, R Kerr, MS De Souza, CAE Garcia, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 149, 161-170, 2018
Effect of sediment type on microphytobenthos vertical distribution: Modelling the productive biomass and improving ground truth measurements
B Jesus, CR Mendes, V Brotas, DM Paterson
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 332 (1), 60-74, 2006
Comparative study on microphytobenthic pigments of muddy and sandy intertidal sediments of the Tagus estuary
P Cartaxana, CR Mendes, MA Van Leeuwe, V Brotas
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 66 (1-2), 225-230, 2006
First SeaWiFS HPLC Analysis Round-robin Experiment (SeaHARRE-1)
SB Hooker
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, 2000
Deriving phytoplankton size classes from satellite data: Validation along a trophic gradient in the eastern Atlantic Ocean
V Brotas, RJW Brewin, C Sá, AC Brito, A Silva, CR Mendes, T Diniz, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 134, 66-77, 2013
Northern Antarctic Peninsula: a marine climate hotspot of rapid changes on ecosystems and ocean dynamics
R Kerr, MM Mata, CRB Mendes, ER Secchi
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 149, 4-9, 2018
Cross-front phytoplankton pigments and chemotaxonomic groups in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
CRB Mendes, R Kerr, VM Tavano, FA Cavalheiro, CAE Garcia, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 118 (Part B), 221-232, 2015
Seasonality of microphytobenthos revealed by remote-sensing in a South European estuary
AC Brito, I Benyoucef, B Jesus, V Brotas, P Gernez, CR Mendes, ...
Continental Shelf Research 66, 83-91, 2013
Carotenoid production by the marine microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata in different low‐cost culture media
WA Faé Neto, CRB Mendes, PC Abreu
Aquaculture Research 49 (7), 2527-2535, 2018
Spatial distribution of phytoplankton assemblages in the Nazaré submarine canyon region (Portugal): HPLC-CHEMTAX approach
CR Mendes, C Sá, J Vitorino, C Borges, VMT Garcia, V Brotas
Journal of Marine Systems 87 (1), 90-101, 2011
Chlorophyll fluorescence as a proxy for microphytobenthic biomass: alternatives to the current methodology
B Jesus, RG Perkins, CR Mendes, V Brotas, DM Paterson
Marine Biology 150, 17-28, 2006
Dynamics of an intense diatom bloom in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula, February 2016
RR Costa, CRB Mendes, VM Tavano, TS Dotto, R Kerr, T Monteiro, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 65 (9), 2056-2075, 2020
Effects of different culture media on physiological features and laboratory scale production cost of Dunaliella salina
GA Colusse, CRB Mendes, MER Duarte, JC de Carvalho, MD Noseda
Biotechnology Reports 27, e00508, 2020
Growth, Phenolics, Photosynthetic Pigments, and Antioxidant Response of Two New Genotypes of Sea Asparagus (Salicornia neei Lag.) to Salinity under …
MM De Souza, CR Mendes, KB Doncato, E Badiale-Furlong, CSB Costa
Agriculture 8 (7), 115, 2018
Changes in Phytoplankton Communities along the Northern Antarctic Peninsula: causes, impacts and research priorities
A Ferreira, RR Costa, TS Dotto, R Kerr, VM Tavano, AC Brito, V Brotas, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 576254, 2020
Isotopic evidence of the effect of warming on the Northern Antarctic Peninsula ecosystem
E Seyboth, S Botta, CRB Mendes, J Negrete, L Dalla Rosa, ER Secchi
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 149, 218-228, 2018
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