Ronaldo Parente
Ronaldo Parente
Florida International University, International Business Department
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The sharing economy globalization phenomenon: A research agenda
RC Parente, JMG Geleilate, K Rong
Journal of International Management 24 (1), 52-64, 2018
Knowledge management tools, inter-organizational relationships, innovation and firm performance
A Vaccaro, R Parente, FM Veloso
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 77 (7), 1076-1089, 2010
Determinants of cross-national knowledge transfer and its effect on firm innovation
M Kotabe, D Dunlap-Hinkler, R Parente, HA Mishra
Journal of international business studies 38, 259-282, 2007
Antecedents and outcomes of modular production in the Brazilian automobile industry: a grounded theory approach
M Kotabe, R Parente, JY Murray
Journal of International Business Studies 38 (1), 84-106, 2007
The relationship between consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and product country image among younger generation consumers: The moderating role of country development status
Z Jin, R Lynch, S Attia, B Chansarkar, T Gülsoy, P Lapoule, X Liu, ...
International Business Review 24 (3), 380-393, 2015
Adapting and sustaining operations in weak institutional environments: A business ecosystem assessment of a Chinese MNE in Central Africa
R Parente, K Rong, JMG Geleilate, E Misati
Journal of International Business Studies 50, 275-291, 2019
The impact of individualism on buyer–supplier relationship norms, trust and market performance: An analysis of data from Brazil and the USA
S Ketkar, N Kock, R Parente, J Verville
International Business Review 21 (5), 782-793, 2012
Organizational creativity as a crucial resource for building international business competence
SL De Vasconcellos, IL Garrido, RC Parente
International Business Review 28 (3), 438-449, 2019
Supplier‐focused knowledge management in the automobile industry and its implications for product performance
C Lakshman, RC Parente
Journal of management Studies 45 (2), 317-342, 2008
The effect of supply chain integration, modular production, and cultural distance on new product development: A dynamic capabilities approach
RC Parente, DW Baack, ED Hahn
Journal of International Management 17 (4), 278-290, 2011
Confirmation bias in individual-level perceptions of psychic distance: An experimental investigation
DW Baack, D Dow, R Parente, DR Bacon
Journal of International Business Studies 46, 938-959, 2015
Strategic modularity and the architecture of multinational firm
G McDermott, R Mudambi, R Parente
Global Strategy Journal 3 (1), 1-7, 2013
Outsourcing and its implications for market success: negative curvilinearity, firm resources, and competition
M Kotabe, MJ Mol, JY Murray, R Parente
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 40, 329-346, 2012
Home country institutional effects on the multinationality–performance relationship: a comparison between emerging and developed market multinationals
JMG Geleilate, P Magnusson, RC Parente, MJ Alvarado-Vargas
Journal of International Management 22 (4), 380-402, 2016
Lessons learned from Brazilian multinationals’ internationalization strategies
RC Parente, ÁB Cyrino, N Spohr, FC De Vasconcelos
Business Horizons 56 (4), 453-463, 2013
Internationalization of Brazilian franchise chains: A comparative study
PLR Melo, FM Borini, MDM Oliveira Jr, RC Parente
Revista de Administração de Empresas 55 (3), 258-272, 2015
When distance does not matter: Implications for Latin American multinationals
CR Conti, R Parente, FC de Vasconcelos
Journal of Business Research 69 (6), 1980-1992, 2016
An analysis of the implementation and impact of speech-recognition technology in the healthcare sector
R Parente, N Kock, J Sonsini
Perspectives in Health Information Management/AHIMA, American Health …, 2004
Communal solidarity in extreme environments: The role of servant leadership and social resources in building serving culture and service performance
A Christensen-Salem, MTF Zanini, FO Walumbwa, R Parente, DM Peat, ...
Journal of Business Research 135, 829-839, 2021
Organizing for innovation ambidexterity in emerging markets: taking advantage of supplier involvement and foreignness
D Dunlap, R Parente, JM Geleilate, TJ Marion
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 23 (2), 175-190, 2016
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