Pedro M Castro
Pedro M Castro
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
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Scope for industrial applications of production scheduling models and solution methods
I Harjunkoski, CT Maravelias, P Bongers, PM Castro, S Engell, ...
Computers & Chemical Engineering 62, 161-193, 2014
Integrated sizing and scheduling of wind/PV/diesel/battery isolated systems
A Malheiro, PM Castro, RM Lima, A Estanqueiro
Renewable Energy 83, 646-657, 2015
Tightening piecewise McCormick relaxations for bilinear problems
PM Castro
Computers & Chemical Engineering 72, 300-311, 2015
Simple continuous-time formulation for short-term scheduling of batch and continuous processes
PM Castro, AP Barbosa-Póvoa, HA Matos, AQ Novais
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 43 (1), 105-118, 2004
An improved RTN continuous-time formulation for the short-term scheduling of multipurpose batch plants
P Castro, A Barbosa-Póvoa, H Matos
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 40 (9), 2059-2068, 2001
Improvements for mass-exchange networks design
P Castro, H Matos, MC Fernandes, CP Nunes
Chemical Engineering Science 54 (11), 1649-1665, 1999
Resource–task network formulations for industrial demand side management of a steel plant
PM Castro, L Sun, I Harjunkoski
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (36), 13046-13058, 2013
Global optimization of bilinear programs with a multiparametric disaggregation technique
S Kolodziej, PM Castro, IE Grossmann
Journal of Global Optimization 57, 1039-1063, 2013
New continuous-time scheduling formulation for continuous plants under variable electricity cost
PM Castro, I Harjunkoski, IE Grossmann
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 48 (14), 6701-6714, 2009
Expanding scope and computational challenges in process scheduling
PM Castro, IE Grossmann, Q Zhang
Computers & Chemical Engineering 114, 14-42, 2018
Dinkelbach's algorithm as an efficient method to solve a class of MINLP models for large-scale cyclic scheduling problems
F You, PM Castro, IE Grossmann
Computers & Chemical Engineering 33 (11), 1879-1889, 2009
New continuous-time MILP model for the short-term scheduling of multistage batch plants
PM Castro, IE Grossmann
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 44 (24), 9175-9190, 2005
Generalized Disjunctive Programming as a Systematic Modeling Framework to Derive Scheduling Formulations
PM Castro, IE Grossmann
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (16), 5781-5792, 2012
Optimal scheduling of continuous plants with energy constraints
PM Castro, I Harjunkoski, IE Grossmann
Computers & chemical engineering 35 (2), 372-387, 2011
Two new continuous-time models for the scheduling of multistage batch plants with sequence dependent changeovers
PM Castro, IE Grossmann, AQ Novais
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 45 (18), 6210-6226, 2006
Global optimal scheduling of crude oil blending operations with RTN continuous-time and multiparametric disaggregation
PM Castro, IE Grossmann
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53 (39), 15127-15145, 2014
LP-based solution strategies for the optimal design of industrial water networks with multiple contaminants
J Teles, PM Castro, AQ Novais
Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2), 376-394, 2008
Optimal periodic scheduling of batch plants using RTN-based discrete and continuous-time formulations: a case study approach
PM Castro, AP Barbosa-Póvoa, HA Matos
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 42 (14), 3346-3360, 2003
Multi-parametric disaggregation technique for global optimization of polynomial programming problems
JP Teles, PM Castro, HA Matos
Journal of Global Optimization 55, 227-251, 2013
An efficient MILP model for the short-term scheduling of single stage batch plants
PM Castro, IE Grossmann
Computers & chemical engineering 30 (6-7), 1003-1018, 2006
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