Development and urban-scale application of a simplified method for seismic fragility assessment of RC buildings C Del Gaudio, P Ricci, GM Verderame, G Manfredi Engineering Structures 91, 40-57, 2015 | 100 | 2015 |
Observed and predicted earthquake damage scenarios: the case study of Pettino (L’Aquila) after the 6th April 2009 event C Del Gaudio, P Ricci, GM Verderame, G Manfredi Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 14, 2643-2678, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
Damage scenarios for RC buildings during the 2012 Emilia (Italy) earthquake GM Verderame, P Ricci, F De Luca, C Del Gaudio, MT De Risi Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66, 385-400, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
Experimental tests on masonry infilled gravity-and seismic-load designed RC frames GM Verderame, P Ricci, C Del Gaudio, MT De Risi Brick and block masonry, 1349-1358, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
A three level vulnerability approach for damage assessment of infilled RC buildings: The Emilia 2012 case (V 1.0) GM Verderame, F De Luca, MT De Risi, C Del Gaudio, P Ricci | 12 | 2012 |
Seismic vulnerability assessment at urban scale based on different building stock data sources P Ricci, CD Gaudio, GM Verderame, G Manfredi, M Pollino, F Borfecchia Vulnerability, Uncertainty, and Risk: Quantification, Mitigation, and …, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Seismic fragility assessment of RC buildings at large scale C Del Gaudio XXVII Cycle. PhD Thesis. University of Naples Federico II, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
A simplified method for seismic vulnerability assessment of infilled RC buildings: Methodology GM Verderame, P Ricci, C Del Gaudio, G Manfredi Atti del XV Congresso nazionale ANIDI S ‘‘L’ingegneria Sismica in Italia …, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
The effect of retrofit intervention on empirical vulnerability curves of Italian masonry buildings SA Scala, CD Gaudio, P Ricci, GM Verderame, A Prota Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai …, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Seismic vulnerability assessment at urban scale based on field survey, remote sensing and census data C Del Gaudio, P Ricci, GM Verderame, G Manfredi Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Trieste, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |
Observed and predicted earthquake damage scenarios: the case study of L’Aquila municipality C Del Gaudio, P Ricci, GM Verderame WIT Transactions on The Built Environment 152, 185-196, 2015 | | 2015 |
Surface deformation time-series analysis at Ischia Island (South Italy) carried out via multi-platform monitoring systems M Manzo, C Del Gaudio, P De Martino, C Ricco, U Tammaro, R Castaldo, ... EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8053, 2014 | | 2014 |