Autonomous UAV surveillance in complex urban environments E Semsch, M Jakob, D Pavlicek, M Pechoucek 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2009 | 411 | 2009 |
Industrial deployment of multi-agent technologies: review and selected case studies M Pěchouček, V Mařík Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 17, 397-431, 2008 | 319 | 2008 |
A double oracle algorithm for zero-sum security games on graphs M Jain, D Korzhyk, O Vaněk, V Conitzer, M Pěchouček, M Tambe The 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2011 | 261 | 2011 |
Holons & agents: Recent developments and mutual impacts V Mařík, M Fletcher, M Pěchouček ECCAI Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence, 233-267, 2001 | 127 | 2001 |
An exact double-oracle algorithm for zero-sum extensive-form games with imperfect information B Bosansky, C Kiekintveld, V Lisy, M Pechoucek Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 51, 829-866, 2014 | 125 | 2014 |
Game theoretic model of strategic honeypot selection in computer networks R Píbil, V Lisý, C Kiekintveld, B Bošanský, M Pěchouček Decision and Game Theory for Security: Third International Conference …, 2012 | 119 | 2012 |
Social knowledge in multi-agent systems V Marik, M Pechoucek, O Štepánková ECCAI Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence, 211-245, 2001 | 104 | 2001 |
Agent-based model of maritime traffic in piracy-affected waters O Vaněk, M Jakob, O Hrstka, M Pěchouček Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 36, 157-176, 2013 | 103 | 2013 |
System and method for planning/replanning collision free flight plans in real or accelerated time D Sislak, M Pechoucek, P Volf, V Marik, P Losiewicz US Patent 8,538,673, 2013 | 102 | 2013 |
Computing time-dependent policies for patrolling games with mobile targets B Bošanský, V Lisý, M Jakob, M Pechoucek AAMAS. IFAAMAS, 2011 | 98 | 2011 |
Multi-agent RRT*: Sampling-based cooperative pathfinding M Čáp, P Novák, J Vokřínek, M Pěchouček arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.2828, 2013 | 97 | 2013 |
Agent-based cooperative decentralized airplane-collision avoidance D Šišlák, P Volf, M Pěchouček IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (1), 36-46, 2010 | 90 | 2010 |
Crossing the agent technology chasm: Lessons, experiences and challenges in commercial applications of agents S Munroe, T Miller, RA Belecheanu, M Pěchouček, P McBurney, M Luck The Knowledge Engineering Review 21 (4), 345-392, 2006 | 88 | 2006 |
A knowledge-based approach to coalition formation M Pechoucek, V Marík, J Bárta IEEE Intelligent Systems 17 (3), 17-25, 2002 | 86 | 2002 |
Adaptive multiagent system for network traffic monitoring M Rehák, M Pechoucek, M Grill, J Stiborek, K Bartos, P Celeda IEEE Intelligent Systems 24 (3), 16-25, 2009 | 81 | 2009 |
Heuristic search value iteration for one-sided partially observable stochastic games K Horák, B Bošanský, M Pěchouček Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 31 (1), 2017 | 78 | 2017 |
Agent-based approach to free-flight planning, control, and simulation M Pechoucek, D Sislak IEEE Intelligent Systems 24 (1), 14-17, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
Game-theoretic resource allocation for malicious packet detection in computer networks. O Vanek, Z Yin, M Jain, B Bosanský, M Tambe, M Pechoucek AAMAS, 905-912, 2012 | 72 | 2012 |
Trust modeling with context representation and generalized identities M Rehák, M Pěchouček International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents, 298-312, 2007 | 70 | 2007 |
A-globe: Agent Development Platform with Inaccessibility and Mobility Support D Šišlák, M Rehák, M Pěchouček, M Rollo, D Pavlíček Software agent-based applications, platforms and development kits, 21-46, 2005 | 66 | 2005 |