Michela Mariani
Michela Mariani
Associate Professor, University of Nottingham (UK)
Верификована је имејл адреса на nottingham.ac.uk
Disruption of cultural burning promotes shrub encroachment and unprecedented wildfires
M Mariani, SE Connor, M Theuerkauf, A Herbert, P Kuneš, D Bowman, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2022
ENSO controls interannual fire activity in southeast Australia
M Mariani, MS Fletcher, A Holz, P Nyman
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (20), 10,891-10,900, 2016
Catastrophic bushfires, indigenous fire knowledge and reframing science in Southeast Australia
MS Fletcher, A Romano, S Connor, M Mariani, SY Maezumi
Fire 4 (3), 61, 2021
Climate change amplifications of climate‐fire teleconnections in the Southern Hemisphere
M Mariani, A Holz, TT Veblen, G Williamson, MS Fletcher, DMJS Bowman
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (10), 5071-5081, 2018
The Southern Annular Mode determines interannual and centennial‐scale fire activity in temperate southwest Tasmania, Australia
M Mariani, MS Fletcher
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (4), 1702-1709, 2016
Testing quantitative pollen dispersal models in animal-pollinated vegetation mosaics: An example from temperate Tasmania, Australia
M Mariani, SE Connor, M Theuerkauf, P Kuneš, MS Fletcher
Quaternary Science Reviews 154, 214-225, 2016
How old is the Tasmanian cultural landscape? A test of landscape openness using quantitative land‐cover reconstructions
M Mariani, SE Connor, MS Fletcher, M Theuerkauf, P Kuneš, G Jacobsen, ...
Journal of Biogeography 44 (10), 2410-2420, 2017
Coupled effects of climate teleconnections on drought, Santa Ana winds and wildfires in southern California
A Cardil, M Rodrigues, J Ramirez, S de-Miguel, CA Silva, M Mariani, ...
Science of the Total Environment 765, 142788, 2021
Assessing changes in global fire regimes
SS Sayedi, BW Abbott, B Vannière, B Leys, D Colombaroli, GG Romera, ...
Fire ecology 20 (1), 1-22, 2024
The impacts of intensive mining on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems: A case of sediment pollution and calcium decline in cool temperate Tasmania, Australia
KK Beck, M Mariani, MS Fletcher, L Schneider, MA Aquino-López, ...
Environmental Pollution 265, 114695, 2020
Climate change reduces resilience to fire in subalpine rainforests
M Mariani, MS Fletcher, S Haberle, H Chin, A Zawadzki, G Jacobsen
Global Change Biology, 2019
Long‐term drivers of vegetation turnover in Southern Hemisphere temperate ecosystems
MA Adeleye, M Mariani, S Connor, SG Haberle, A Herbert, F Hopf, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (2), 557-571, 2021
How significant is atmospheric metal contamination from mining activity adjacent to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area? A spatial analysis of metal concentrations …
L Schneider, M Mariani, KM Saunders, WA Maher, JJ Harrison, ...
Science of The Total Environment 656, 250-260, 2019
The changing role of fire in conifer-dominated temperate rainforest through the last 14,000 years
MS Fletcher, D Bowman, C Whitlock, M Mariani, L Stahle
Quaternary Science Reviews 182, 37-47, 2018
Long-term climate dynamics in the extra-tropics of the South Pacific revealed from sedimentary charcoal analysis
M Mariani, MS Fletcher
Quaternary Science Reviews 173, 181-192, 2017
Centennial-scale trends in the Southern Annular Mode revealed by hemisphere-wide fire and hydroclimatic trends over the past 2400 years
MS Fletcher, A Benson, DMJS Bowman, PS Gadd, H Heijnis, M Mariani, ...
Geology 46 (4), 363-366, 2018
Pollen and plant diversity relationships in a Mediterranean montane area
SE Connor, JFN van Leeuwen, WO van der Knaap, RB Akindola, ...
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 30, 583-594, 2021
Northward shift of the southern westerlies during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
MS Fletcher, J Pedro, T Hall, M Mariani, JA Alexander, K Beck, M Blaauw, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 271, 107189, 2021
Reduced rainfall drives biomass limitation of long‐term fire activity in Australia’s subtropical sclerophyll forests
M Mariani, J Tibby, C Barr, P Moss, JC Marshall, GB McGregor
Journal of Biogeography 46 (9), 1974-1987, 2019
Coupling of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude climate during the early to mid-Holocene
M Mariani, MS Fletcher, RN Drysdale, KM Saunders, H Heijnis, ...
Geology 45 (12), 1083-1086, 2017
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