Katie LaBarbera
Katie LaBarbera
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory
Верификована је имејл адреса на cornell.edu
Natural history collections as windows on evolutionary processes
MW Holmes, TT Hammond, GOU Wogan, RE Walsh, K LaBarbera, ...
Molecular ecology 25 (4), 864-881, 2016
Synchrony does not explain extrapair paternity rate variation in northern or southern house wrens
K LaBarbera, PE Llambías, ERA Cramer, TD Schaming, IJ Lovette
Behavioral Ecology 21 (4), 773-780, 2010
Mating opportunities, paternity, and sexual conflict: paternal care in northern and southern temperate house wrens
K LaBarbera, IJ Lovette, PE Llambías
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 66, 253-260, 2012
Similar patterns of parental provisioning in a monogamous and a polygynous population of the house wren
PE Llambías, K LaBarbera, AA Astié
The Condor 114 (3), 629-638, 2012
No evidence that sperm morphology predicts paternity success in wild house wrens
ERA Cramer, T Laskemoen, O Kleven, K LaBarbera, IJ Lovette, JT Lifjeld
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1845-1853, 2013
Mate choice and the ‘opposite miss’ to Weber's law: proportional processing governs signal preferences in a treefrog
K LaBarbera, PB Nelson, MA Bee
Animal Behaviour 168, 199-209, 2020
Context-dependent effects of relative temperature extremes on bill morphology in a songbird
K LaBarbera, KJ Marsh, KRR Hayes, TT Hammond
Royal Society open science 7 (4), 192203, 2020
Ecological and demographic impacts of a recent volcanic eruption on two endemic patagonian rodents
EA Lacey, R Takenaka, K LaBarbera, MN Tammone
PLoS One 14 (3), e0213311, 2019
Breeding season length and nest mortality drive cryptic life history variation in Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) breeding across a montane elevational gradient
K LaBarbera, EA Lacey
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135 (2), 284-298, 2018
Complex relationships among environmental conditions and bill morphology in a generalist songbird
K LaBarbera, KR Hayes, KJ Marsh, EA Lacey
Evolutionary Ecology 31, 707-724, 2017
Capture height biases for birds in mist-nets vary by taxon, season, and foraging guild in northern California
DJ Tattoni, K LaBarbera
Journal of Field Ornithology 93 (1), 1, 2022
Elevation affects extra-pair paternity but not a sexually selected plumage trait in dark-eyed juncos
K LaBarbera, KRR Hayes, KE Langhans, EA Lacey
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 1-12, 2019
House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) provisions nestlings of Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
K LaBarbera, R Spencer
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128 (3), 676-678, 2016
Wildfire smoke impacts the body condition and capture rates of birds in California
A Nihei, OV Sanderfoot, K LaBarbera, MW Tingley
Ornithology 141 (4), ukae023, 2024
Long term progress in riparian restoration with concurrent avian declines in the southern San Francisco Bay Area (CA)
IT Stewart, L Healey, K LaBarbera, H Li, JC Scullen, Y Wang, D Wenny
Ecological Restoration 40 (3), 203-217, 2022
Using individual capture data to reveal large-scale patterns of social association in birds
K LaBarbera, JC Scullen
Journal of Ornithology 162 (3), 795-811, 2021
A simple method to estimate capture height biases at landbird banding stations: opportunities and limitations
DJ Tattoni, K LaBarbera
Journal of Field Ornithology 94 (4), 2023
Incidence and extent of eccentric preformative molt in the California and Canyon Towhees
DJ Tattoni, K LaBarbera, CD Hathcock
Western Birds 53, 163-168, 2022
Growth benefit to house wren nestlings of having an asynchronously late-hatching nestmate is greater for extra-pair offspring
K LaBarbera, ERA Cramer, D Veronese, IJ Lovette
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71, 1-8, 2017
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