Lei Mee Thien
Lei Mee Thien
School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia
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Validating teacher commitment scale using a Malaysian sample
LM Thien, NA Razak, T Ramayah
Sage open 4 (2), 2158244014536744, 2014
Academic coping, friendship quality, and student engagement associated with student quality of school life: A partial least square analysis
LM Thien, NA Razak
Social Indicators Research 112, 679-708, 2013
Distributive leadership functions, readiness for change, and teachers’ affective commitment to change: A partial least squares analysis
LM Thien
sage open 9 (2), 2158244019846209, 2019
Malaysian and Singaporean students’ affective characteristics and mathematics performance: evidence from PISA 2012
LM Thien, MY Ong
SpringerPlus 4 (1), 563, 2015
Affective characteristics and mathematics performance in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand: what can PISA 2012 data tell us?
LM Thien, IGN Darmawan, MY Ong
Large-Scale Assessments in Education 3, 1-16, 2015
Unveiling the practices and challenges of professional learning community in a Malaysian Chinese secondary school
WC Chua, LM Thien, SY Lim, CS Tan, TE Guan
Sage Open 10 (2), 2158244020925516, 2020
Friendship Quality Scale: Conceptualization, Development and Validation.
LM Thien, NA Razak, H Jamil
Australian Association for Research in Education (NJ1), 2012
Malaysian students’ performance in mathematics literacy in PISA from gender and socioeconomic status perspectives
LM Thien
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 25 (4), 657-666, 2016
Leading schools through the COVID-19 crisis in a South-East Asian country
D Adams, KSL Cheah, LM Thien, NN Md Yusoff
Management in Education 38 (2), 72-78, 2024
Distributed leadership and teachers’ affective commitment to change in Malaysian primary schools: the contextual influence of gender and teaching experience
LM Thien, D Adams
Educational Studies 47 (2), 179-199, 2021
Lecturers' commitment to teaching entrepreneurship: do transformational leadership, mindfulness and readiness for change matter?
SB Yeap, AGK Abdullah, LM Thien
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 13 (1), 164-179, 2021
One-size-fits-all? A cross-validation study of distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism
LM Thien, SY Chan
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 50 (1), 43-63, 2022
Specifying and assessing a formative measure for Hofstede’s cultural values: a Malaysian study
LM Thien, R Thurasamy, N Abd Razak
Quality & Quantity 48, 3327-3342, 2014
Teacher commitment: a comparative study of Malaysian ethnic groups in three types of primary schools
LM Thien, NA Razak
Social Psychology of Education 17 (2), 307-326, 2014
Assessing a second-order quality of school life construct using partial least squares structural equation modelling approach
LM Thien
International Journal of Research & Method in Education 43 (3), 243-256, 2020
Investigating a multiple mediated-effects model of instructional leadership and teacher professional learning in the Malaysian School Context: A partial least squares analysis
LM Thien, S Liu, LQ Yee, D Adams
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 51 (4), 809-830, 2023
The reforms of national assessments in Malaysian education system
H Chin, LM Thien, CM Chiew
Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS) 4 (1), 93-111, 2019
The elusive Malayan tiger ‘captured’: A systematic review of research on educational leadership and management in Malaysia
D Adams, LM Thien, ECY Chuin, P Semaadderi
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 51 (3), 673-692, 2023
The relationship between distributed leadership and teacher well-being: The mediating roles of organisational trust
L Liu, P Liu, H Yang, H Yao, LM Thien
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 52 (4), 837-853, 2024
The evolving dynamics between instructional leadership, collective teacher efficacy, and dimensions of teacher commitment: what can Chinese independent high schools tell us?
LM Thien, SY Lim, D Adams
International Journal of Leadership in Education 27 (4), 739-761, 2024
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