ML Trunov | Михайло Трунов
ML Trunov | Михайло Трунов
Uzhhorod National University | Ужгородський національний університет
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Photoplastic effects in chalcogenide glasses: A review
SN Yannopoulos, ML Trunov
physica status solidi (b) 246 (8), 1773-1785, 2009
Real-time atomic force microscopy imaging of photoinduced surface deformation in AsxSe100− x chalcogenide films
ML Trunov, PM Lytvyn, PM Nagy, OM Dyachyns’ka
Applied Physics Letters 96 (11), 2010
Photoinduced mass-transport based holographic recording of surface relief gratings in amorphous selenium films
ML Trunov, PM Lytvyn, SN Yannopoulos, IA Szabo, S Kökényesi
Applied Physics Letters 99 (5), 2011
Structural relaxation and the photoplastic effect in amorphous semiconductors
ML Trunov
Journal of non-crystalline solids 192, 431-434, 1995
Surface morphology of as-deposited and illuminated As–Se chalcogenide thin films
ML Trunov, PM Nagy, V Takats, PM Lytvyn, S Kokenyesi, E Kalman
Journal of non-crystalline solids 355 (37-42), 1993-1997, 2009
Alternating matter motion in photoinduced mass transport driven and enhanced by light polarization in amorphous chalcogenide films
ML Trunov, PM Lytvyn, OM Dyachyns’ka
Applied Physics Letters 97 (3), 2010
Inversion of the direction of photo-induced mass transport in As20Se80 films: Experiment and theory
Y Kaganovskii, DL Beke, S Charnovych, S Kökényesi, ML Trunov
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (6), 2011
Nature of hydrogen bond in water
P Makhlaichuk, M Malomuzh, I Zhyganiuk
arXiv preprint arXiv:1202.3035, 2012
Photoplastic effect in non-crystalline materials: a nanoindentation study
ML Trunov
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (7), 074011, 2008
Vectoral response under photo-excitation in amorphous chalcogenides and azobenzene polymer films: a comparison
VM Kryshenik, ML Trunov, VP Ivanitsky
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 9 (7), 1949-1964, 2007
Photoplastic phenomena in chalcogenide glasses
ML Trunov, VS Bilanich
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 5 (5), 1085-1091, 2003
Light‐induced mass transport in amorphous chalcogenides: Toward surface plasmon‐assisted nanolithography and near‐field nanoimaging
ML Trunov, PM Lytvyn, PM Nagy, A Csik, VM Rubish, S Kökényesi
physica status solidi (b) 251 (7), 1354-1362, 2014
Electron beam-induced mass transport in As–Se thin films: compositional dependence and glass network topological effects
ML Trunov, C Cserháti, PM Lytvyn, Y Kaganovskii, S Kökényesi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (24), 245303, 2013
Mechanism of photo induced mass transfer in amorphous chalcogenide films
Y Kaganovskii, ML Trunov, DL Beke, S Kökényesi
Materials Letters 66 (1), 159-161, 2012
The non-Hookian behavior of chalcogenide glasses under irradiation: A nanoindentation study
ML Trunov, VS Bilanich, SN Dub
Journal of non-crystalline solids 353 (18-21), 1904-1909, 2007
Polarization-dependent photoplastic effect in As50Se50 chalcogenide glasses
ML Trunov, VS Bilanich
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 6 (1), 157-162, 2004
Photoplasticity of As2Se3 films investigated with combined nanoindentation and AFM methods
ML Trunov, SN Dub, PM Nagy, S Kokenyesi
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 68 (5-6), 1062-1068, 2007
Recording of polarization holograms in a liquid crystal cell with a photosensitive chalcogenide orientation layer
N Sheremet, Y Kurioz, K Slyusarenko, M Trunov, Y Reznikov
Applied Optics 52 (22), E40-E46, 2013
Direct surface relief formation in As0. 2Se0. 8 layers
M Trunov, P Lytvyn, V Takats, I Charnovich, S Kokenyesi
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 11 (12), 1959, 2009
Прямое экспериментальное наблюдение фоторазмягчения пленок халькогенидных стекол As S (Se)
МЛ Трунов, АГ Анчугин
Письма в ЖТФ 18 (5), 78-81, 1992
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