Ahmad Alkouh
Ahmad Alkouh
Assistant Professor, College of Technological Studies, PAAET
Верификована је имејл адреса на paaet.edu.kw
Estimation of effective-fracture volume using water-flowback and production data for shale-gas wells
A Alkouh, S McKetta, RA Wattenbarger
Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology 53 (05), 290-303, 2014
On the rheological properties of MWCNT-TiO2/oil hybrid nanofluid: An experimental investigation on the effects of shear rate, temperature, and solid concentration of nanoparticles
IM Alarifi, AB Alkouh, V Ali, HM Nguyen, A Asadi
Powder Technology 355, 157-162, 2019
New advances in shale reservoir analysis using flowback data
A Alkouh, RA Wattenbarger
SPE eastern regional meeting, SPE-165721-MS, 2013
A comprehensive review heavy oil reservoirs, latest techniques, discoveries, technologies and applications in the oil and gas industry
C Temizel, CH Canbaz, M Tran, E Abdelfatah, B Jia, D Putra, M Irani, ...
SPE International Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, D012S024R001, 2018
Bias in rate-transient analysis methods: shale gas wells
A Agnia, A Alkouh, RA Wattenbarger
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-159710-MS, 2012
Practical use of simulators for characterization of shale reservoirs
A Alkouh, D Schechter, RA Wattenbarger, K Patel
SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference?, SPE-162645-MS, 2012
Risk assessment in sand control selection: introducing a traffic light system in stand-alone screen selection
M Mahmoudi, V Fattahpour, A Velayati, M Roostaei, M Kyanpour, ...
SPE International Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, D032S041R001, 2018
Integration of multiple bayesian optimized machine learning techniques and conventional well logs for accurate prediction of porosity in carbonate reservoirs
S Alatefi, R Abdel Azim, A Alkouh, G Hamada
Processes 11 (5), 1339, 2023
Comparison of various particle-size distribution-measurement methods
M Roostaei, SA Hosseini, M Soroush, A Velayati, A Alkouh, M Mahmoudi, ...
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 23 (04), 1159-1179, 2020
Utilization of machine learning for the estimation of production rates in wells operated by electrical submersible pumps
OE Agwu, A Alkouh, S Alatefi, RA Azim, R Ferhadi
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 14 (5), 1205-1233, 2024
New advances in shale gas reservoir analysis using water flowback data
A Alkouh
Optimization of Development of Heavy Oil Reservoirs through Geochemical Characterization
CH Canbaz, M Deniz-Paker, FB Hosgor, D Putra, R Moreno, C Temizel, ...
SPE Kuwait Oil and Gas Show and Conference, D023S001R006, 2019
Technical and economical aspects of use of solar energy in oil & gas industry in the Middle East
C Temizel, M Irani, CH Canbaz, Y Palabiyik, R Moreno, A Balikcioglu, ...
SPE International Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, D022S028R001, 2018
Bilinear Flow in Shale Gas Wells: Fact or Fiction?
MS Kanfar, AB Alkouh, RA Wattenbarger
SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference?, D021S008R005, 2014
Development of multiple explicit data-driven models for accurate prediction of CO2 minimum miscibility pressure
S Alatefi, OE Agwu, RA Azim, A Alkouh, I Dzulkarnain
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 205, 672-694, 2024
Best surfactant for EOR polymer injectivity
B Gerlach, F Dugonjic-Bilic, M Neuber, A Alkouh
SPE Kuwait Oil and Gas Show and Conference, D023S002R005, 2019
Modeling Guidelines for Analyzing and Forecasting Shale Well Performance
MS Kanfar, AB Alkouh, RA Wattenbarger
SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, SPE-165698-MS, 2013
Applications of Artificial Intelligence algorithms in Artificial Lift systems: a critical review
OE Agwu, S Alatefi, RA Azim, A Alkouh
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 102613, 2024
Comparison of various particle size distribution measurement methods: role of particle shape descriptors
M Roostaei, M Soroush, SA Hosseini, A Velayati, A Alkouh, M Mahmoudi, ...
SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control …, 2020
A comprehensive review heavy oil reservoirs
C Temizel, CH Canbaz, M Tran, E Abdelfatah, B Jia, D Putra, M Irani, ...
Latest Techniques, Discoveries, Technologies and Applications in the Oil and …, 2018
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