Jim  Reilly
Jim Reilly
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Expert system for determining patient treatment response
G Hasey, A Khodayari-Rostamabad, J Reilly, H De Bruin, D Maccrimmon
US Patent 8,655,817, 2014
Detection of the number of signals: A predicted eigen-threshold approach
W Chen, KM Wong, JP Reilly
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 39 (5), 1088-1098, 1991
On information theoretic criteria for determining the number of signals in high resolution array processing
KM Wong, QT Zhang, JP Reilly, PC Yip
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 38 (11), 1959-1971, 1990
Statistical analysis of the performance of information theoretic criteria in the detection of the number of signals in array processing
QT Zhang, KM Wong, PC Yip, JP Reilly
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 37 (10), 1557-1567, 1989
A frequency domain method for blind source separation of convolutive audio mixtures
K Rahbar, JP Reilly
Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE Transactions on 13 (5), 832-844, 2005
Some aspects of array signal processing
S Haykin, JP Reilly, V Kezys, E Vertatschitsch
IEE Proceedings F (Radar and Signal Processing) 139 (1), 1-26, 1992
A machine learning approach using EEG data to predict response to SSRI treatment for major depressive disorder
A Khodayari-Rostamabad, JP Reilly, GM Hasey, H de Bruin, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 124 (10), 1975-1985, 2013
Sizing of 3-D arbitrary defects using magnetic flux leakage measurements
M Ravan, RK Amineh, S Koziel, NK Nikolova, JP Reilly
IEEE transactions on magnetics 46 (4), 1024-1033, 2009
Machine learning techniques for the analysis of magnetic flux leakage images in pipeline inspection
A Khodayari-Rostamabad, JP Reilly, NK Nikolova, JR Hare, S Pasha
IEEE Transactions on magnetics 45 (8), 3073-3084, 2009
A pilot study to determine whether machine learning methodologies using pre-treatment electroencephalography can predict the symptomatic response to clozapine therapy
A Khodayari-Rostamabad, GM Hasey, DJ MacCrimmon, JP Reilly, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (12), 1998-2006, 2010
Noise suppression circuit
D McArthur, J Reilly
US Patent 6,647,367, 2003
Detection of the number of signals in noise with banded covariance matrices
W Chen, JP Reilly, KM Wong
IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar and Navigation 143 (5), 289-294, 1996
Local feature selection for data classification
N Armanfard, JP Reilly, M Komeili
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 38 (6), 1217-1227, 2015
An EM algorithm for nonlinear state estimation with model uncertainties
A Zia, T Kirubarajan, JP Reilly, D Yee, K Punithakumar, S Shirani
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (3), 921-936, 2008
Particle filters for tracking an unknown number of sources
JR Larocque, JP Reilly, W Ng
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50 (12), 2926-2937, 2002
Efficient design of oversampled NPR GDFT filterbanks
MR Wilbur, TN Davidson, JP Reilly
IEEE transactions on signal processing 52 (7), 1947-1963, 2004
Estimation of the directions of arrival of signals in unknown correlated noise. I. The MAP approach and its implementation
KM Wong, JP Reilly, Q Wu, S Qiao
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 40 (8), 2007-2017, 1992
A space mapping methodology for defect characterization from magnetic flux leakage measurements
RK Amineh, S Koziel, NK Nikolova, JW Bandler, JP Reilly
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (8), 2058-2065, 2008
Characterization of surface-breaking cracks using one tangential component of magnetic leakage field measurements
RK Amineh, NK Nikolova, JP Reilly, JR Hare
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (4), 516-524, 2008
Reversible jump MCMC for joint detection and estimation of sources in colored noise
JR Larocque, JP Reilly
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50 (2), 231-240, 2002
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