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Getting a grip on tetrapod grasping: form, function, and evolution
D Sustaita, E Pouydebat, A Manzano, V Abdala, F Hertel, A Herrel
Biological Reviews 88 (2), 380-405, 2013
Biomechanical study of grasping according to the volume of the object: human versus non-human primates
E Pouydebat, P Gorce, Y Coppens, V Bels
Journal of biomechanics 42 (3), 266-272, 2009
Getting a grip on the evolution of grasping in musteloid carnivorans: a three‐dimensional analysis of forelimb shape
AC Fabre, R Cornette, G Slater, C Argot, S Peigné, A Goswami, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (7), 1521-1535, 2013
Diversity of grip in adults and young humans and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
E Pouydebat, E Reghem, A Borel, P Gorce
Behavioural Brain Research 218 (1), 21-28, 2011
Evolution of grasping among anthropoids
E Pouydebat, M Laurin, P Gorce, V Bels
Journal of evolutionary biology 21 (6), 1732-1743, 2008
Estimating thumb–index finger precision grip and manipulation potential in extant and fossil primates
T Feix, TL Kivell, E Pouydebat, AM Dollar
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (106), 20150176, 2015
How to interpret informal flakes assemblages? Integrating morphological description, usewear and morphometric analysis gave better understanding of the behaviors of …
A Borel, C Gaillard, M Moncel, R Sala, E Pouydebat, T Simanjuntak, ...
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (4), 630-646, 2013
The effect of substrate diameter and incline on locomotion in an arboreal frog
A Herrel, M Perrenoud, T Decamps, V Abdala, A Manzano, E Pouydebat
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (19), 3599-3605, 2013
Food Prehension and Manipulation in Microcebus murinus (Prosimii, Cheirogaleidae)
E Reghem, B Tia, V Bels, E Pouydebat
Folia Primatologica 82 (3), 177-188, 2011
Manual function and performance in humans, gorillas, and orangutans during the same tool use task
A Bardo, R Cornette, A Borel, E Pouydebat
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164 (4), 821-836, 2017
Food acquisition on arboreal substrates by the grey mouse lemur: implication for primate grasping evolution
S Toussaint, E Reghem, H Chotard, A Herrel, CF Ross, E Pouydebat
Journal of Zoology 291 (4), 235-242, 2013
Determinants of pull strength in captive grey mouse lemurs
P Thomas, E Pouydebat, ML Brazidec, F Aujard, A Herrel
Journal of Zoology 298 (2), 77-81, 2016
Sexual dimorphism in bite force in the grey mouse lemur.
A Thomas, P., Pouydebat, E., Hardy, I., Aujard, F., Ross, C. F., & Herrel
Journal of Zoology, 1-6, 2015
Holding-on: co-evolution between infant carrying and grasping behaviour in strepsirrhines
L Peckre, AC Fabre, CE Wall, D Brewer, E Ehmke, D Haring, E Shaw, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 37729, 2016
The implications of thumb movements for Neanderthal and modern human manipulation
A Bardo, MH Moncel, CJ Dunmore, TL Kivell, E Pouydebat, R Cornette
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 19323, 2020
Behavioral and functional strategies during tool use tasks in bonobos
A Bardo, A Borel, H Meunier, JP Guéry, E Pouydebat
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 161 (1), 125-140, 2016
Do bimanual coordination, tool use, and body posture contribute equally to hand preferences in bonobos?
A Bardo, E Pouydebat, H Meunier
Journal of Human Evolution 82, 159-169, 2015
The impact of hand proportions on tool grip abilities in humans, great apes and fossil hominins: A biomechanical analysis using musculoskeletal simulation
A Bardo, L Vigouroux, TL Kivell, E Pouydebat
Journal of human evolution 125, 106-121, 2018
Substrate Diameter and Orientation in the Context of Food Type in the Gray Mouse Lemur, Microcebus murinus: Implications for the Origins of Grasping in Primates
S Toussaint, A Herrel, CF Ross, F Aujard, E Pouydebat
International Journal of Primatology 36, 583-604, 2015
Hand posture in the grey mouse lemur during arboreal locomotion on narrow branches
E Reghem, C Byron, V Bels, E Pouydebat
Journal of Zoology 288 (1), 76-81, 2012
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