Sebastian F Sendoya
Sebastian F Sendoya
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
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List of neotropical ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
F Fernández, S Sendoya
Biota Colombiana 5 (1), 3-93, 2004
Egg-laying butterflies distinguish predaceous ants by sight
SF Sendoya, AVL Freitas, PS Oliveira
The American Naturalist 174 (1), 134-140, 2009
Synonymic list of neotropical ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
F Fernández, S Sendoya
Biota colombiana 5 (1), 2004
Temporal variation in the abundance and richness of foliage-dwelling ants mediated by extrafloral nectar
C Belchior, SF Sendoya, K Del-Claro
PloS one 11 (7), e0158283, 2016
Ecologia comportamental na interface formiga-planta-herbívoro: interações entre formigas e lepidópteros
LA Kaminski, SF Sendoya, AVL Freitas, PS Oliveira
Oecologia Brasiliensis 13 (1), 27-44, 2009
Ants as floral visitors of Blutaparon portulacoides (A. St-Hil.) Mears (Amaranthaceae): an ant pollination system in the Atlantic Rainforest
J Ibarra-Isassi, SF Sendoya
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 10, 221-227, 2016
Assessing the impact of deforestation of the Atlantic rainforest on ant-fruit interactions: a field experiment using synthetic fruits
AGD Bieber, PSD Silva, SF Sendoya, PS Oliveira
PLoS One 9 (2), e90369, 2014
Foliage-dwelling ants in a neotropical savanna: effects of plant and insect exudates on ant communities
SF Sendoya, N Blüthgen, JY Tamashiro, F Fernandez, PS Oliveira
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 10, 183-195, 2016
Mutualism exploitation: predatory drosophilid larvae sugar‐trap ants and jeopardize facultative ant‐plant mutualism
MC Vidal, SF Sendoya, PS Oliveira
Ecology 97 (7), 1650-1657, 2016
Ant–caterpillar antagonism at the community level: interhabitat variation of tritrophic interactions in a neotropical savanna
SF Sendoya, PS Oliveira
Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (2), 442-452, 2015
Does inundation risk affect leaf-cutting ant distribution? A study along a topographic gradient of a Costa Rican tropical wet forest
SF Sendoya, PSD Silva, AG Farji-Brener
Journal of Tropical Ecology 30 (1), 89-92, 2014
Fortress with sticky moats: The functional role of small particles around Tetragonisca angustula Latreille (Apidae: Hymenoptera) nest entrance
A Alves, SF Sendoya, AR Rech
Sociobiology 65 (2), 330-332, 2018
Behavioural ecology of defence in a risky environment: caterpillars versus ants in a Neotropical savanna
SF Sendoya, PS Oliveira
Ecological Entomology 42 (5), 553-564, 2017
La necromasa de Espeletia grandiflora como hábitat para la artropofauna del páramo
S Sendoya, MA Bonilla
Estrategias adaptativas de plantas del páramo y del bosque altoandino en la …, 2005
Patterns of Azteca ants’ defence of Cecropia trees in a tropical rainforest: support for optimal defence theory
E Gianoli, S Sendoya, F Vargas, P Mejía, R Jaffe, M Rodríguez, ...
Ecological Research 23, 905-908, 2008
Defesas bióticas contra herbívoros em plantas do Cerrado: Interações entre formigas, nectários extraflorais e insetos trofobiontes
PS Oliveira, SF Sendoya, K Del-Claro
Ecologia das interações plantas-animais: Uma abordagem ecológico-evolutiva …, 2012
Plant height and spatial context influence individual connectivity and specialization on seed dispersers in a tree population
M Vissoto, J Vizentin-Bugoni, SF Sendoya, GC Gomes, RA Dias
Oecologia 198 (3), 721-731, 2022
Foraging preferences of ants on a heterogeneous Brazilian sandy shore habitat
MC Vidal, AK Silva, SF Sendoya
Ecological Entomology 44 (2), 283-286, 2019
Army ant males lose seasonality at a site on the equator
L Tozetto, DL Forrister, M Duval, T Hays, NC Garwood, RV Castro, ...
Biotropica 55 (2), 382-395, 2023
Natural history of a sit-and-wait dipteran predator that uses extrafloral nectar as prey attractant
MC Vidal, SF Sendoya, LF Yamaguchi, MJ Kato, RS Oliveira, PS Oliveira
Environmental Entomology 47 (5), 1165-1172, 2018
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