Submerged and unsubmerged natural hydraulic jumps in a bedrock step-pool mountain channel BL Vallé, GB Pasternack Geomorphology 82 (1-2), 146-159, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
Convergent hydraulics at horseshoe steps in bedrock rivers GB Pasternack, CR Ellis, KA Leier, BL Vallé, JD Marr Geomorphology 82 (1-2), 126-145, 2006 | 44 | 2006 |
Field mapping and digital elevation modelling of submerged and unsubmerged hydraulic jump regions in a bedrock step–pool channel BL Vallé, GB Pasternack Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 31 (6), 646-664, 2006 | 40 | 2006 |
Air concentrations of submerged and unsubmerged hydraulic jumps in a bedrock step‐pool channel BL Vallé, GB Pasternack Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 111 (F3), 2006 | 30 | 2006 |
TDR measurements of hydraulic jump aeration in the South Fork of the American River, California BL Vallé, GB Pasternack Geomorphology 42 (1-2), 153-165, 2002 | 24 | 2002 |
Plausible megathrust tsunamis in the eastern Mediterranean Sea BL Valle, N Kalligeris, AN Findikakis, EA Okal, L Melilla, CE Synolakis Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering and …, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |
Portable apparatus and method for measuring hydraulic features in rivers and streams G Pasternack, B Valle, D Paige, KM Shaw US Patent 7,062,962, 2006 | 7 | 2006 |
Assessment of the structure and function of natural hydraulic jumps BL Vallé, GB Pasternack Water Resources Center, 2002 | 3 | 2002 |
Geomorphic structure and function of hydraulic jumps in mountain river channels BL Vallé University of California, Davis, 2005 | 2 | 2005 |
Investigation of wadeable and unwadeable natural hydraulic jumps by integrating high resolution field surveying, digital terrain modeling, and process measurements BL Valle, GB Pasternack AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2002, H21G-08, 2002 | 1 | 2002 |
Tsunami simulations for historical and plausible mega-thrust events originating in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea B Valle, N Kalligeris, A Findikakis, E Okal, C Synolakis EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-12829, 2013 | | 2013 |
Tsunami simulations for plausible mega-thrust events originating along the Hellenic Arc and Cyprian Arc in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea BL Valle, N Kalligeris, E Okal, AN Findikakis, CE Synolakis AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, NH33A-1668, 2012 | | 2012 |
Field measurements in unwadeable natural hydraulic jumps B Valle, G Pasternack EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 6998, 2003 | | 2003 |
High-Resolution Field Measurements of Water and Bed Surface Profiles for two Bedrock Downsteps on the Upper South Fork American River, CA BL Vallé AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2001, H52B-0388, 2001 | | 2001 |