Brett L. Valle
Brett L. Valle
Founder, vbh2o
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Submerged and unsubmerged natural hydraulic jumps in a bedrock step-pool mountain channel
BL Vallé, GB Pasternack
Geomorphology 82 (1-2), 146-159, 2006
Convergent hydraulics at horseshoe steps in bedrock rivers
GB Pasternack, CR Ellis, KA Leier, BL Vallé, JD Marr
Geomorphology 82 (1-2), 126-145, 2006
Field mapping and digital elevation modelling of submerged and unsubmerged hydraulic jump regions in a bedrock step–pool channel
BL Vallé, GB Pasternack
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 31 (6), 646-664, 2006
Air concentrations of submerged and unsubmerged hydraulic jumps in a bedrock step‐pool channel
BL Vallé, GB Pasternack
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 111 (F3), 2006
TDR measurements of hydraulic jump aeration in the South Fork of the American River, California
BL Vallé, GB Pasternack
Geomorphology 42 (1-2), 153-165, 2002
Plausible megathrust tsunamis in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
BL Valle, N Kalligeris, AN Findikakis, EA Okal, L Melilla, CE Synolakis
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering and …, 2014
Portable apparatus and method for measuring hydraulic features in rivers and streams
G Pasternack, B Valle, D Paige, KM Shaw
US Patent 7,062,962, 2006
Assessment of the structure and function of natural hydraulic jumps
BL Vallé, GB Pasternack
Water Resources Center, 2002
Geomorphic structure and function of hydraulic jumps in mountain river channels
BL Vallé
University of California, Davis, 2005
Investigation of wadeable and unwadeable natural hydraulic jumps by integrating high resolution field surveying, digital terrain modeling, and process measurements
BL Valle, GB Pasternack
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2002, H21G-08, 2002
Tsunami simulations for historical and plausible mega-thrust events originating in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
B Valle, N Kalligeris, A Findikakis, E Okal, C Synolakis
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-12829, 2013
Tsunami simulations for plausible mega-thrust events originating along the Hellenic Arc and Cyprian Arc in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
BL Valle, N Kalligeris, E Okal, AN Findikakis, CE Synolakis
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, NH33A-1668, 2012
Field measurements in unwadeable natural hydraulic jumps
B Valle, G Pasternack
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 6998, 2003
High-Resolution Field Measurements of Water and Bed Surface Profiles for two Bedrock Downsteps on the Upper South Fork American River, CA
BL Vallé
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2001, H52B-0388, 2001
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