The pattern of skewness and kurtosis using mean score and logit in measuring adversity quotient (AQ) for normality testing EM Matore, AZ Khairani International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking 13 …, 2020 | 84 | 2020 |
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) for adversity quotient (AQ) instrument among youth M Effendi, EM Matore, AZ Khairani, R Adnan Journal of Critical Reviews 6 (6), 234-242, 2019 | 78 | 2019 |
Reviewing the challenges of implementing formative assessment in Asia: The need for a professional development program NT Do Quyen, AZ Khairani Journal of Social Science Studies 4 (1), 160-177, 2017 | 70 | 2017 |
Assessing urban and rural teachers’ competencies in STEM integrated education in Malaysia AZ Khairani MATEC Web of Conferences 87, 04004, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |
The Influence of AQ on the Academic Achievement among Malaysian Polytechnic Students. MEEM Matore, AZ Khairani, NA Razak International Education Studies 8 (6), 69-74, 2015 | 67 | 2015 |
Correlation between adversity quotient (AQ) with IQ, EQ and SQ among polytechnic students using rasch model M Effendi, EM Matore, AZ Khairani Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (47), 1-8, 2016 | 63 | 2016 |
The Influence of Resilience on Psychological Well-Being of Malaysian University Undergraduates. I Idris, AZ Khairani, H Shamsuddin International Journal of Higher Education 8 (4), 153-163, 2019 | 48 | 2019 |
Assessing factors influencing students’ choice of Malaysian public university: A Rasch model analysis AZ bin Khairani, NBA Razak International Journal of Applied Psychology 3 (1), 19-24, 2013 | 47 | 2013 |
Relationship between adversity quotient and academic well-being among Malaysian undergraduates AZ Khairani, SMS Abdullah Asian Journal of Scientific Research 11 (1), 51-55, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
THE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCT VALIDATION OF THE MATHEMATICS PROFICIENCY TEST FOR 14-YEAR-OLD STUDENTS. AZ Khairani, M Sahari Nordin Journal of Educators & Education/Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan 26, 2011 | 33 | 2011 |
Assessing item difficulty and discrimination indices of teacher-developed multiple-choice tests AZ Khairani, H Shamsuddin Assessment for Learning Within and Beyond the Classroom: Taylor’s 8th …, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Modeling a multiple choice mathematics test with the Rasch model AZ bin Khairani, N bin Abd Razak Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8 (12), 1, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
Roles of social media and counselling support in reducing anxiety among Malaysian during Covid-19 pandemic NS Ahmad, Z Hussain, HS Abd Hamid, AZ Khairani International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 63, 102456, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
An analysis of the teachers’ sense of efficacy scale within the Malaysian context using the Rasch measurement model AZ bin Khairani, NA Razak Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 69, 2137-2142, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Kesahan kandungan pakar instrumen IKBAR bagi pengukuran AQ menggunakan nisbah kesahan kandungan M Effendi, EM Matore, H Idris, NA Rahman, AZ Khairani Proceeding of International Conference on Global Education V (ICGE V), 979-997, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Examining Quality of Mathemtics Test Items Using Rasch Model: Preminarily Analysis NA Razak, AZ bin Khairani, LM Thien Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 69, 2205-2214, 2012 | 22 | 2012 |
Advance in educational measurement: A Rasch model analysis of Mathematics proficiency test AZ bin Khairani, N bin Abd Razak International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 2 (3), 248, 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
Psychometric assessment on Adversity Quotient instrument (IKBAR) among polytechnic students using Rasch model M Effendi, AZ Khairani Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Educational …, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Development and psychometric properties of the adversity quotient scale: An analysis using rasch model and confirmatory factor analysis MEEM Matore, AZ Khairani, N Abd Razak Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica 29 (5), 574, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Improving psychological well-being among undergraduates: How creativity in learning can contribute AZ Khairani, H Shamsuddin, I Idris Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication 35 (2), 346-360, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |