Dinesh Garg
Dinesh Garg
IBM India Research Lab, Bangalore, India
Верификована је имејл адреса на in.ibm.com
Leveraging abstract meaning representation for knowledge base question answering
P Kapanipathi, I Abdelaziz, S Ravishankar, S Roukos, A Gray, R Astudillo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.01707, 2020
Explanations for commonsenseqa: New dataset and models
S Aggarwal, D Mandowara, V Agrawal, D Khandelwal, P Singla, D Garg
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2021
Span selection pre-training for question answering
M Glass, A Gliozzo, R Chakravarti, A Ferritto, L Pan, GP Bhargav, D Garg, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.04120, 2019
Design of Six Sigma Supply Chains
D Garg, Y Narahari, N Viswanadham
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1737-1742, 2003
Foundations of mechanism design: A tutorial part 1-key concepts and classical results
D Garg, Y Narahari, S Gujar
Sadhana 33, 83-130, 2008
Caesar: A context-aware, social recommender system for low-end mobile devices
L Ramaswamy, P Deepak, R Polavarapu, K Gunasekera, D Garg, ...
2009 Tenth International Conference on Mobile Data Management: Systems …, 2009
Quantum embedding of knowledge for reasoning
D Garg, S Ikbal, SK Srivastava, H Vishwakarma, H Karanam, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Achieving sharp deliveries in supply chains through variance pool allocation
D Garg, Y Narahari, N Viswanadham
European Journal of Operational Research 171 (1), 227-254, 2006
Submodularity in team formation problem
A Bhowmik, V Borkar, D Garg, M Pallan
Proceedings of the 2014 SIAM international conference on data mining, 893-901, 2014
Systems and methods for marketing to mobile devices
D Chakraborty, K Dasgupta, D Garg, S Kalyanaraman, AR Lobo, S Mittal, ...
US Patent App. 12/505,734, 2011
Discovering signature of electronic social networks
D Garg, R Narayanam
US Patent 9,654,593, 2017
Foundations of mechanism design: A tutorial Part 2-Advanced concepts and results
D Garg, Y Narahari, S Gujar
Sadhana 33, 131-174, 2008
An optimal mechanism for sponsored search auctions on the web and comparison with other mechanisms
D Garg, Y Narahari
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6 (4), 641-657, 2009
Fast rumor source identification via random walks
A Jain, V Borkar, D Garg
Social Network Analysis and Mining 6, 1-13, 2016
Efficient internet chat services for help desk agents
ZY Shae, D Garg, R Bhose, R Mukherjee, S Guven, G Pingali
IEEE international conference on services computing (SCC 2007), 589-596, 2007
NeuralCompression: A machine learning approach to compress high frequency measurements in smart grid
L Das, D Garg, B Srinivasan
Applied Energy 257, 113966, 2020
Detecting fraudulent mobile money transactions
VS Batra, D Garg, R Kothari, R Krishnapuram, S Negi, GR Parija
US Patent 8,458,090, 2013
Manipulating Gale-Shapley Algorithm: Preserving Stability and Remaining Inconspicuous.
R Vaish, D Garg
IJCAI, 437-443, 2017
Mechanism design for time critical and cost critical task execution via crowdsourcing
S Nath, P Dayama, D Garg, Y Narahari, J Zou
Internet and Network Economics: 8th International Workshop, WINE 2012 …, 2012
Sygma: System for generalizable modular question answering overknowledge bases
S Neelam, U Sharma, H Karanam, S Ikbal, P Kapanipathi, I Abdelaziz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.13430, 2021
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