Stephanie Yelenik
Stephanie Yelenik
USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Research Station
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A meta‐analysis of biotic resistance to exotic plant invasions
JM Levine, PB Adler, SG Yelenik
Ecology letters 7 (10), 975-989, 2004
Ecosystem Level Impacts of Invasive Acacia saligna in the South African Fynbos
SG Yelenik, WD Stock, DM Richardson
Restoration Ecology 12 (1), 44-51, 2004
Plant–soil feedbacks and invasive spread
JM Levine, E Pachepsky, BE Kendall, SG Yelenik, JHR Lambers
Ecology letters 9 (9), 1005-1014, 2006
Self-reinforcing impacts of plant invasions change over time
SG Yelenik, CM D’Antonio
Nature 503 (7477), 517-520, 2013
California annual grass invaders: the drivers or passengers of change?
J HilleRisLambers, SG Yelenik, BP Colman, JM Levine
Journal of Ecology 98 (5), 1147-1156, 2010
Functional group identity does not predict invader impacts: differential effects of nitrogen-fixing exotic plants on ecosystem function
SG Yelenik, WD Stock, DM Richardson
Biological Invasions 9, 117-125, 2007
The role of plant–soil feedbacks in driving native‐species recovery
SG Yelenik, JM Levine
Ecology 92 (1), 66-74, 2011
Reimagine fire science for the anthropocene
JK Shuman, JK Balch, RT Barnes, PE Higuera, CI Roos, DW Schwilk, ...
PNAS nexus 1 (3), pgac115, 2022
Regional constraints to biological nitrogen fixation in post‐fire forest communities
S Yelenik, S Perakis, D Hibbs
Ecology 94 (3), 739-750, 2013
Evaluating nurse plants for restoring native woody species to degraded subtropical woodlands
SG Yelenik, N DiManno, CM D'Antonio
Ecology and Evolution 5 (2), 300-313, 2015
Interactions among invasive plants: lessons from Hawai ‘i
CM D'Antonio, R Ostertag, S Cordell, S Yelenik
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 48 (1), 521-541, 2017
Linking dominant Hawaiian tree species to understory development in recovering pastures via impacts on soils and litter
SG Yelenik
Restoration Ecology 25 (1), 42-52, 2017
Processes limiting native shrub recovery in exotic grasslands after non‐native herbivore removal
SG Yelenik, JM Levine
Restoration Ecology 18, 418-425, 2010
Restoration at the landscape scale as a means of mitigation and adaptation to climate change
B von Holle, S Yelenik, ES Gornish
Current Landscape Ecology Reports 5 (3), 85-97, 2020
Ecosystem vs. community recovery 25 years after grass invasions and fire in a subtropical woodland
CM D'Antonio, SG Yelenik, MC Mack
Journal of Ecology 105 (6), 1462-1474, 2017
Rapid colonization of a Hawaiian restoration forest by a diverse avian community
EH Paxton, SG Yelenik, TE Borneman, ET Rose, RJ Camp, SJ Kendall
Restoration Ecology 26 (1), 165-173, 2018
Bryophyte abundance, composition and importance to woody plant recruitment in natural and restoration forests
EM Rehm, MK Thomas, SG Yelenik, DL Bouck, CM D'Antonio
Forest Ecology and Management 444, 405-413, 2019
Environmental gradients influence differences in leaf functional traits between native and non-native plants
JJ Henn, S Yelenik, EI Damschen
Oecologia 191 (2), 397-409, 2019
The influence of soil resources and plant traits on invasion and restoration in a subtropical woodland
SG Yelenik, CM D’Antonio, E August-Schmidt
Plant Ecology 218, 1149-1161, 2017
Changes in N and C stable isotope signatures of particulate organic matter and ribbed mussels in estuaries subject to different nutrient loading
S Yelenik, J McClelland, N Feinstein, I Valiela
The Biological Bulletin 191 (2), 329-330, 1996
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