John Stireman
John Stireman
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The global distribution of diet breadth in insect herbivores
ML Forister, V Novotny, AK Panorska, L Baje, Y Basset, PT Butterill, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (2), 442-447, 2015
Host specificity of Lepidoptera in tropical and temperate forests
LA Dyer, MS Singer, JT Lill, JO Stireman, GL Gentry, RJ Marquis, ...
Nature 448 (7154), 696-699, 2007
Climatic unpredictability and parasitism of caterpillars: implications of global warming
JO Stireman III, LA Dyer, DH Janzen, MS Singer, JT Lill, RJ Marquis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (48), 17384-17387, 2005
Tachinidae: evolution, behavior, and ecology
JO Stireman III, JE O'Hara, DM Wood
Annual review of entomology 51 (1), 525-555, 2006
Revisiting the evolution of ecological specialization, with emphasis on insect–plant interactions
ML Forister, LA Dyer, MS Singer, JO Stireman III, JT Lill
Ecology 93 (5), 981-991, 2012
Phytophagous insect–microbe mutualisms and adaptive evolutionary diversification
EM Janson, JO III Stireman, MS Singer, P Abbot
Evolution 62 (5), 997-1012, 2008
Host‐associated genetic differentiation in phytophagous insects: general phenomenon or isolated exceptions? Evidence from a goldenrod‐insect community
JO StiremanIII, JD Nason, SB Heard
Evolution 59 (12), 2573-2587, 2005
The tri‐trophic niche concept and adaptive radiation of phytophagous insects
MS Singer, JO Stireman III
Ecology Letters 8 (12), 1247-1255, 2005
Roles of food quality and enemy‐free space in host use by a generalist insect herbivore
MS Singer, D Rodrigues, JO Stireman III, Y Carrière
Ecology 85 (10), 2747-2753, 2004
Cascading host-associated genetic differentiation in parasitoids of phytophagous insects
JO Stireman III, JD Nason, SB Heard, JM Seehawer
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1586), 523-530, 2006
Synergistic Effects of Three Piper Amides on Generalist and Specialist Herbivores
LA Dyer, CD Dodson, JO Stireman, MA Tobler, AM Smilanich, RM Fincher, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 29, 2499-2514, 2003
Origins, distribution, and local co‐occurrence of polyploid cytotypes in Solidago altissima (Asteraceae)
K Halverson, SB Heard, JD Nason, JO Stireman III
American Journal of Botany 95 (1), 50-58, 2008
The evolution of generalization? Parasitoid flies and the perils of inferring host range evolution from phylogenies
JO Stireman III
Journal of evolutionary biology 18 (2), 325-336, 2005
Determinants of parasitoid–host associations: insights from a natural tachinid–lepidopteran community
JO Stireman III, MS Singer
Ecology 84 (2), 296-310, 2003
Remarkable fly (Diptera) diversity in a patch of Costa Rican cloud forest: Why inventory is a vital science
ART Borkent, BV Brown, PH Adler, DDS Amorim, K Barber, D Bickel, ...
Zootaxa 4402 (1), 53–90-53–90, 2018
Does anti‐parasitoid defense explain host‐plant selection by a polyphagous caterpillar?
MS Singer, JO Stireman Iii
Oikos 100 (3), 554-562, 2003
Signal through the noise? Phylogeny of the T achinidae (D iptera) as inferred from morphological evidence
P Cerretti, JE O'HARA, DM Wood, H Shima, DJ Inclan, JO STIREMAN III
Systematic Entomology 39 (2), 335-353, 2014
Diversity of interactions: a metric for studies of biodiversity
LA Dyer, TR Walla, HF Greeney, JO Stireman III, RF Hazen
Biotropica 42 (3), 281-289, 2010
Molecular phylogeny and evolution of world Tachinidae (Diptera)
JO Stireman III, P Cerretti, JE O'Hara, JD Blaschke, JK Moulton
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 139, 106358, 2019
The role of carotenoids and their derivatives in mediating interactions between insects and their environment
JJ Heath, DF Cipollini, JO Stireman III
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 7, 1-20, 2013
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