Xiangwang Hou
Xiangwang Hou
Department of EE, Tsinghua University
Верификована је имејл адреса на mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Reliable computation offloading for edge-computing-enabled software-defined IoV
X Hou, Z Ren, J Wang, W Cheng, Y Ren, KC Chen, H Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (8), 7097-7111, 2020
Distributed Q-learning aided heterogeneous network association for energy-efficient IIoT
J Wang, C Jiang, K Zhang, X Hou, Y Ren, Y Qian
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (4), 2756-2764, 2019
Stochastic optimization-aided energy-efficient information collection in internet of underwater things networks
Z Fang, J Wang, J Du, X Hou, Y Ren, Z Han
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (3), 1775-1789, 2021
UAV-enabled covert federated learning
X Hou, J Wang, C Jiang, X Zhang, Y Ren, M Debbah
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 22 (10), 6793-6809, 2023
Joint resource allocation and UAV trajectory optimization for space–air–ground internet of remote things networks
Y Wang, Z Li, Y Chen, M Liu, X Lyu, X Hou, J Wang
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (4), 4745-4755, 2020
Edge intelligence for mission-critical 6G services in space-air-ground integrated networks
X Hou, J Wang, Z Fang, Y Ren, KC Chen, L Hanzo
IEEE Network 36 (2), 181-189, 2022
Distributed fog computing for latency and reliability guaranteed swarm of drones
X Hou, Z Ren, J Wang, S Zheng, W Cheng, H Zhang
IEEE access 8, 7117-7130, 2020
IIoT-MEC: A novel mobile edge computing framework for 5G-enabled IIoT
X Hou, Z Ren, K Yang, C Chen, H Zhang, Y Xiao
2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-7, 2019
Ultra-low latency cloud-fog computing for industrial internet of things
C Shi, Z Ren, K Yang, C Chen, H Zhang, Y Xiao, X Hou
2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2018
QoE fairness resource allocation in digital twin-enabled wireless virtual reality systems
J Feng, L Liu, X Hou, Q Pei, C Wu
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 41 (11), 3355-3368, 2023
Environment-aware AUV trajectory design and resource management for multi-tier underwater computing
X Hou, J Wang, T Bai, Y Deng, Y Ren, L Hanzo
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 41 (2), 474-490, 2022
Fog based computation offloading for swarm of drones
X Hou, Z Ren, W Cheng, C Chen, H Zhang
ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2019
Efficient federated learning for metaverse via dynamic user selection, gradient quantization and resource allocation
X Hou, J Wang, C Jiang, Z Meng, J Chen, Y Ren
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 42 (4), 850-866, 2023
Blockchain-Aided secure access control for UAV computing networks
J Wang, Z Jiao, J Chen, X Hou, T Yang, D Lan
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2023
Machine-learning-aided mission-critical Internet of Underwater Things
X Hou, J Wang, Z Fang, X Zhang, S Song, X Zhang, Y Ren
IEEE Network 35 (4), 160-166, 2021
Latency and reliability oriented collaborative optimization for multi-UAV aided mobile edge computing system
X Hou, Z Ren, J Wang, S Zheng, H Zhang
IEEE INFOCOM 2020-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2020
“combat cloud-fog” network architecture for internet of battlefield things and load balancing technology
Y Wang, Z Ren, H Zhang, X Hou, Y Xiao
2018 IEEE international conference on smart internet of things (SmartIoT …, 2018
A covert jamming scheme against an intelligent eavesdropper in cooperative cognitive radio networks
Y Wen, L Liu, J Li, X Hou, N Zhang, M Dong, M Atiquzzaman, K Wang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (10), 13243-13254, 2023
Advance into ocean: From bionic monomer to swarm intelligence
J Chen, J Wang, XW Hou, Z Fang, J Du, Y Ren
Acta Electron. Sin 49, 2458-2467, 2021
Optimal communication-computing-caching for maximizing revenue in UAV-aided mobile edge computing
S Zheng, Z Ren, X Hou, H Zhang
GLOBECOM 2020-2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2020
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