Erling Svensen
Erling Svensen
Haukeland University Hospital
Верификована је имејл адреса на helse-bergen.no
Use of quantitative molecular diagnostic methods to assess the aetiology, burden, and clinical characteristics of diarrhoea in children in low-resource settings: a reanalysis …
JA Platts-Mills, J Liu, ET Rogawski, F Kabir, P Lertsethtakarn, M Siguas, ...
The Lancet Global Health 6 (12), e1309-e1318, 2018
The MAL-ED study: a multinational and multidisciplinary approach to understand the relationship between enteric pathogens, malnutrition, gut physiology, physical growth …
Clinical Infectious Diseases 59 (suppl_4), S193-S206, 2014
Use of quantitative molecular diagnostic methods to investigate the effect of enteropathogen infections on linear growth in children in low-resource settings: longitudinal …
ET Rogawski, J Liu, JA Platts-Mills, F Kabir, P Lertsethtakarn, M Siguas, ...
The Lancet Global Health 6 (12), e1319-e1328, 2018
Early initiation of basic resuscitation interventions including face mask ventilation may reduce birth asphyxia related mortality in low-income countries: a prospective …
HL Ersdal, E Mduma, E Svensen, JM Perlman
Resuscitation 83 (7), 869-873, 2012
Comorbid subjective health complaints in low back pain
EM Hagen, E Svensen, HR Eriksen, CM Ihlebæk, H Ursin
Spine 31 (13), 1491-1495, 2006
Measuring socioeconomic status in multicountry studies: results from the eight-country MAL-ED study
SR Psaki, JC Seidman, M Miller, M Gottlieb, ZA Bhutta, T Ahmed, ...
Population health metrics 12, 1-11, 2014
Causal pathways from enteropathogens to environmental enteropathy: findings from the MAL-ED birth cohort study
MN Kosek, T Ahmed, Z Bhutta, L Caulfield, R Guerrant, E Houpt, G Kang, ...
EBioMedicine 18, 109-117, 2017
Frequent brief on-site simulation training and reduction in 24-h neonatal mortality—an educational intervention study
E Mduma, H Ersdal, E Svensen, H Kidanto, B Auestad, J Perlman
Resuscitation 93, 1-7, 2015
Use of antibiotics in children younger than two years in eight countries: a prospective cohort study
ET Rogawski, JA Platts-Mills, JC Seidman, S John, M Mahfuz, M Ulak, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 95 (1), 49, 2016
Epidemiology and Impact of Campylobacter Infection in Children in 8 Low-Resource Settings: Results From the MAL-ED Study
C Amour, J Gratz, E Mduma, E Svensen, ET Rogawski, M McGrath, ...
Clinical infectious diseases 63 (9), 1171-1179, 2016
Determinants and Impact of Giardia Infection in the First 2 Years of Life in the MAL-ED Birth Cohort
ET Rogawski, LA Bartelt, JA Platts-Mills, JC Seidman, A Samie, A Havt, ...
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 6 (2), 153-160, 2017
Exposure to aflatoxin and fumonisin in children at risk for growth impairment in rural Tanzania
C Chen, NJ Mitchell, J Gratz, ER Houpt, Y Gong, PA Egner, JD Groopman, ...
Environment international 115, 29-37, 2018
Household food access and child malnutrition: results from the eight-country MAL-ED study
S Psaki, ZA Bhutta, T Ahmed, S Ahmed, P Bessong, M Islam, S John, ...
Population health metrics 10, 1-11, 2012
Birth asphyxia: a major cause of early neonatal mortality in a Tanzanian rural hospital
HL Ersdal, E Mduma, E Svensen, J Perlman
Pediatrics 129 (5), e1238-e1243, 2012
Childhood stunting in relation to the pre-and postnatal environment during the first 2 years of life: the MAL-ED longitudinal birth cohort study
Mal-Ed Network Investigators
PLoS medicine 14 (10), e1002408, 2017
Evaluating meteorological data from weather stations, and from satellites and global models for a multi-site epidemiological study
JM Colston, T Ahmed, C Mahopo, G Kang, M Kosek, F de Sousa Junior, ...
Environmental research 165, 91-109, 2018
Norovirus infection and acquired immunity in 8 countries: results from the MAL-ED study
S Rouhani, P Peñataro Yori, M Paredes Olortegui, M Siguas Salas, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 62 (10), 1210-1217, 2016
Early childhood cognitive development is affected by interactions among illness, diet, enteropathogens and the home environment: findings from the MAL-ED birth cohort study
AM Acosta, RR De Burga, CB Chavez, JT Flores, MP Olotegui, SR Pinedo, ...
BMJ Global Health 3 (4), 2018
Short rest between shift intervals increases the risk of sick leave: a prospective registry study
Ø Vedaa, S Pallesen, S Waage, B Bjorvatn, B Sivertsen, E Erevik, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 74 (7), 496-501, 2017
Factors associated with a positive attitude towards change among employees during the early phase of a downsizing process
E Svensen, G Neset, HR Eriksen
Scandinavian journal of psychology 48 (2), 153-159, 2007
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