Gjoshe Stefkov
Gjoshe Stefkov
Professor, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Pharmacy
Верификована је имејл адреса на ff.ukim.edu.mk
Of the importance of a leaf: the ethnobotany of sarma in Turkey and the Balkans
Y Dogan, A Nedelcheva, Ł Łuczaj, C Drăgulescu, G Stefkov, A Maglajlić, ...
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 11, 1-15, 2015
Polyphenolic characterization and chromatographic methods for fast assessment of culinary Salvia species from South East Europe
I Cvetkovikj, G Stefkov, J Acevska, JP Stanoeva, M Karapandzova, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1282, 38-45, 2013
Potential bioactive phenolics of Macedonian Sideritis species used for medicinal “Mountain Tea”
J Petreska, M Stefova, F Ferreres, DA Moreno, FA Tomás-Barberán, ...
Food Chemistry 125 (1), 13-20, 2011
Phenolic Compounds of Mountain Tea from the Balkans: LC/DAD/ESI/MSn Profile and Content
J Petreska, G Stefkov, S Kulevanova, K Alipieva, V Bankova, M Stefova
Natural product communications 6 (1), 1934578X1100600107, 2011
Chemical constituents of the essential oils of Sideritis scardica Griseb. and Sideritis raeseri Boiss and Heldr. from Bulgaria and Macedonia
E Kostadinova, D Nikolova, K Alipieva, M Stefova, G Stefkov, L Evstatieva, ...
Natural Product Research 21 (9), 819-823, 2007
Chemical characterization of Centaurium erythrea L. and its effects on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in experimental diabetes
G Stefkov, B Miova, S Dinevska-Kjovkarovska, JP Stanoeva, M Stefova, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 152 (1), 71-77, 2014
Polyphenols in Representative Teucrium Species in the Flora of R. Macedonia: LC/DAD/ESI-MSn Profile and Content
I Mitreski, JP Stanoeva, M Stefova, G Stefkov, S Kulevanova
Natural Product Communications 9 (2), 1934578X1400900211, 2014
Genetic Diversity and Demographic History of Wild and Cultivated/Naturalised Plant Populations: Evidence from Dalmatian Sage (Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae)
I Rešetnik, D Baričevič, D Batîr Rusu, K Carović-Stanko, P Chatzopoulou, ...
PLoS One 11 (7), e0159545, 2016
Effects of Teucrium polium spp. capitatum flavonoids on the lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in rats
G Stefkov, S Kulevanova, B Miova, S Dinevska-Kjovkarovska, P Mølgaard, ...
Pharmaceutical biology 49 (9), 885-892, 2011
Analytical techniques for phytocannabinoid profiling of cannabis and cannabis-based products—A comprehensive review
G Stefkov, I Cvetkovikj Karanfilova, V Stoilkovska Gjorgievska, ...
Molecules 27 (3), 975, 2022
Essential Oils and Chemical Diversity of Southeast European Populations of Salvia officinalis L.
I Cvetkovikj, G Stefkov, M Karapandzova, S Kulevanova, Z Satović
Chemistry & biodiversity 12 (7), 1025-1039, 2015
Chemical Characterization, Mineral Content and Radical Scavenging Activity of Sideritis scardica and S. raeseri from R. Macedonia and R. Albania
M Karapandzova, B Qazimi, G Stefkov, K Bačeva, T Stafilov, TK Panovska, ...
Natural Product Communications 8 (5), 1934578X1300800525, 2013
Influence of cultivation on the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Sideritis spp.
E Kostadinova, K Alipieva, M Stefova, D Antonova, L Evstatieva, G Stefkov, ...
Pharmacognosy Magazine 4 (14), 102, 2008
Essential oil composition of Salvia fruticosa Mill. populations from Balkan Peninsula
I Cvetkovikj, G Stefkov, M Karapandzova, S Kulevanova
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 61 (1), 19-26, 2015
Development and Validation of a Reversed-Phase HPLC Method for Determination of Alkaloids from Papaver somniferum L. (Papaveraceae)
J Acevska, A Dimitrovska, G Stefkov, K Brezovska, M Karapandzova, ...
Journal of AOAC International 95 (2), 399-405, 2012
Divergent selection and genetic structure of Sideritis scardica populations from southern Balkan Peninsula as revealed by AFLP fingerprinting
M Grdiša, I Radosavljević, Z Liber, G Stefkov, P Ralli, PS Chatzopoulou, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12767, 2019
Chemical composition of the essential oil, total phenolics, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts of Satureja montana L.
A Hajdari, B Mustafa, A Kaçiku, X Mala, B Lukas, A Ibraliu, G Stefkov, ...
Records of Natural Products 10 (6), 750, 2016
Essential oil composition variability among natural populations of Pinus mugo Turra in Kosovo
A Hajdari, B Mustafa, G Ahmeti, B Pulaj, B Lukas, A Ibraliu, G Stefkov, ...
SpringerPlus 4, 1-13, 2015
Chemometric approach for development, optimization, and validation of different chromatographic methods for separation of opium alkaloids
J Acevska, G Stefkov, R Petkovska, S Kulevanova, A Dimitrovska
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 403, 1117-1129, 2012
Chemical composition of berry essential oils from Juniperus communis L.(Cupressaceae) growing wild in Republic of Macedonia and assessment of the chemical composition in …
F Sela, M Karapandzova, G Stefkov, S Kulevanova
Pharm. Bull 57 (1), 2, 2011
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